
Properties of fish oil for health and beauty

Fish oil is one of the best oils that can be found in a healthy diet. The properties of fish oil are beneficial for the health of the body and the treatment of many diseases. This oil can be used to strengthen memory, skin care and maintain heart health. In fact, fish oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are very important in maintaining the health of the body and the beauty of the skin. Based on the importance of the benefits of fish oil and its effect on the health of the body, in this article we decided to introduce the unique properties of fish oil for skin and hair health and how to use it. We are happy to accompany you to the end.

What is fish oil?

Fish oil is one of the beneficial oils for the health of the body, which is effective in treating many diseases. In fact, most of the properties of fish oil are related to omega-3 fatty acids. Prepared from the liver of various fish such as herring, tuna and mackerel, this oil is rich in vitamins A, D and omega-3 fatty acids that are very useful in maintaining heart health.

The World Health Organization recommends eating fish twice a week, given the unique omega-3 fatty properties of the body. Accordingly, if you feel that there is no fish in your diet once or twice a week, you can make up for it by consuming fish oil.

The difference between fish oil and omega 3

Is fish oil the same as omega-3? The answer to this question will help to better understand the difference between fish oil and omega 3. In fact, fish oil is an important source of omega-3 fatty acids. The amount of omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil is about 30%, and the remaining 70% is related to other fats.

As mentioned, fish oil is made from the tissue and liver of fatty fish, which are rich in omega-3s. Therefore, fish oil is one of the rich sources of omega 3 and it is different. In addition to omega-3, this oil is also composed of other vitamins and fats. You can use foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as fish oil, to provide the omega-3s your body needs.

Properties of fish oil

Among the properties of fish oil for the body, we can mention the improvement of mental disorders, bipolar disorders and schizophrenia. Fish oil also regulates blood cholesterol levels and is very effective in treating high blood pressure and obesity.

The benefits of fish oil are so great that it can be considered as a versatile supplement. This oil is also suitable for treating inflammation and joint pain. Fish oil also has a great effect on improving asthma symptoms and reducing allergies. According to research, pregnant mothers who took fish oil supplements were less likely to develop allergies in their babies. Another property of fish oil is its health and beauty benefits for the skin and hair, which we will explain below.

Properties of fish oil for the skin

Benefits of fish oil

The skin is one of the largest organs in the body and is rich in omega-3s. The health of your skin depends on many factors throughout its life. For example, one of the factors that reduce the beauty and health of the skin is old age and high exposure to sunlight.

On the other hand, fish oil is very effective for the health and beauty of the skin. This oil with its properties causes collagen formation of the skin and elimination of skin blemishes. Fish oil can also be used to improve many skin problems. The properties of fish oil for the skin include reducing the symptoms of skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, redness of the skin, itching and skin lesions. This oil also prevents skin aging and makes it better hydrated.

Fish oil also moisturizes dead skin cells, so people with dry and sensitive skin can use it to restore softness and softness to their skin.

Properties of fish oil for hair

Properties of fish oil for hair

Fish oil is one of the valuable foods that contains large amounts of EPA fatty acids. Due to the fact that EPA is effective in the secretion of sebaceous glands in the hair follicles. As a result, by consuming fish oil, you ensure the health of your skin and hair.

The benefits of fish oil for hair include preventing hair loss and thinning and treating dandruff. The omega-3s in fish oil also make hair shiny. Fish oil also strengthens hair roots and by consuming it regularly, you will notice its miraculous effects on your hair.

How to use fish oil

How to use fish oil

Now that you are familiar with the properties of fish oil and its benefits, it is best to get information about how to consume it so that you do not face any serious problems while consuming it. Important factors must be considered when consuming fish oil. For example, the dose, type, concentration and freshness of the oil are some of the things that should be considered when consuming. We will briefly explain these cases below.

Dose of fish oil

In general, the dose of fish oil from the combination of EPA and DHA is determined based on age and health. The World Health Organization recommends 0.2 to 0.5 grams or 200 to 500 mg per day for each healthy person.

Accordingly, pregnant or lactating women and people with heart disease can increase their dose. The greatest benefits of fish oil can be found in oils that contain at least 300 mg of EPA and DHA.

Type of fish oil

The type of fish oil consumed is also one of the factors that affect the quality and properties of fish oil. Fish oils are produced in various forms of ethyl ester, triglycerides, modified triglycerides, phospholipids and free fatty acids. When consuming, it is necessary to pay attention to which of its types is compatible with your body. For example, many people can not absorb ethyl ester as well as other oils. Therefore, it is better to try another type of it.

Fish oil concentration

Another thing to consider when buying fish oil supplements is to pay attention to the label on it and check the concentration of fish oil. Many fish oil supplements on the market have only 100 mg of EPA and DHA per 1000 mg of fish oil. One of the best fish oils on the market with a good concentration is 1000 mg fish oil which contains 500 mg of EPA and DHA.

Fresh fish oil

One of the important and significant factors in consuming different types of fish oil is paying attention to its freshness. In fact, because the omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil are highly susceptible to oxidation, they easily lose their properties under adverse conditions.

So when taking fish oil supplements, make sure they contain antioxidants such as vitamin E. Supplements should also be stored away from light and refrigerated. When using it, pay attention to its expiration date, if it has expired or it smells bad, avoid using it.


Fish oil is one of the useful oils that can be supplied to provide many of the vitamins needed by the body. As mentioned above, this oil is a versatile supplement and is effective in treating many diseases. The properties of fish oil are not limited to the above and are used to cure many diseases.

If you are also looking for soft and clear skin and shiny hair, we suggest you do not forget to take fish oil supplements. Of course, excessive consumption of this oil may also have side effects for the body. Therefore, observe moderation in consuming it.

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