
Properties of portulaca oleracea for body health

What do you know about the properties of portulaca oleracea? Are you familiar with the health benefits of this vegetable? Curiosity about what we eat can give us a lot of nutritional information and even have a big impact on our eating style. For example, we may have often thought about the benefits of portulaca oleracea. Portulaca oleracea, like most vegetables, is full of small and large properties that can be interesting for us to know. In this guide, we are going to talk about zero to one hundred benefits of this rich vegetable.

The nutritional value of portulaca oleracea

Many people are not very familiar with the portulaca oleracea plant. Most of them have no idea about this vegetable and are not aware of its nutrients and health benefits. But portulaca oleracea is a sweet vegetable with wonderful healing properties that can be a constant companion on our table. Like most green leafy vegetables, it is rich in antioxidants that can help fight many diseases and boost the body’s immune system. The seeds of this plant contain a large amount of powerful antioxidants such as carotenoids.

It is interesting to know that portulaca oleracea is rich in omega 3. By consuming this vegetable, you can absorb a significant amount of some nutrients such as calcium, fiber and iron. Other micronutrients in this plant include a variety of B vitamins, vitamin A, manganese and magnesium, each of which in turn is essential for physical health and proper functioning of the body. It goes without saying that in addition to all of the above, the amount of vitamin C in portulaca oleracea can provide about 35% of the body’s daily needs for this vitamin.

Introducing the properties of portulaca oleracea

Portulaca oleracea, like most plants, is rich in water. Accordingly, about 93% of the volume of this plant is water. This plant is said to be native to the Mediterranean region. Although it is currently used in many parts of the world. The taste of this plant is something close to spinach. In the following, we are going to talk about the health benefits of this plant.

The benefits of portulaca oleracea

1. Cancer prevention

One of the most notable properties of portulaca oleracea is its anti-cancer benefits. All foods containing antioxidants have the property of helping to prevent a variety of cancers. Antioxidants are essentially immune-boosting substances that can fight free radicals.

Free radicals are also harmful and harmful compounds in the body that cause the death of healthy cells in the body. Free radicals, by expanding their activity in the body, not only cause a variety of cancers, but also cause many other diseases. Consumption of foods containing antioxidants such as portulaca oleracea can help prevent the spread of these pathogens.

2. Properties of portulaca oleracea for skin

One of the parts of the body that is most important to most of us is the skin of the face and body. Eating fresh and nutritious vegetables such as portulaca oleracea can help prevent and treat some skin problems. For example, one of the therapeutic uses of this plant is its topical use to treat inflamed skin caused by bee stings. Vitamin A in this plant is responsible for this skin benefit of portulaca oleracea.

On the other hand, you can use portulaca oleracea, also known as portulaca oleracea in some local languages, to reduce the amount of wrinkles on the skin. Portulaca oleracea also helps in the treatment of skin blemishes and faster healing of wounds.

Benefits of purslane seeds

3. Properties of portulaca oleracea for weight loss

If you are looking for a natural way to lose weight, portulaca oleracea along with other methods will be a good suggestion for you. One of the reasons for this proposal is low-calorie portulaca oleracea. The high volume of water in this vegetable is another good reason that makes portulaca oleracea recommended for consumption during weight loss diet. In addition, the profession is rich in fiber. Fiber, as a functional mineral, plays a constructive role in keeping people full. For this reason, those who are looking to lose weight will feel full by consuming portulaca oleracea. In such cases, they will be less inclined to consume other foods.

4. Properties of portulaca oleracea for eye health

Another benefit of portulaca oleracea is that it helps improve vision. We said that vitamin A is one of the micronutrients of portulaca oleracea. This vitamin is directly related to strengthening the eyesight. On the other hand, the combination of this vitamin with beta-carotene can help improve people’s eyesight. With its therapeutic effects, it can also prevent age-related eye diseases such as cataracts.

5. Contribute to heart health

Other properties of portulaca oleracea include improving heart health. The presence of omega-3 in this substance will significantly improve heart function. According to some experiments, portulaca oleracea can also help prevent cholesterol. So you can benefit from heart health benefits by including portulaca in your daily diet.

The health benefits of portulaca oleracea

Properties of portulaca oleracea in traditional medicine

From the names of portulaca in traditional medicine, we can mention Farfan, Farfin, Khafraj and Parpan. This plant has a cold and cool nature in terms of traditional medicine. Consumption of portulaca oleracea can be diuretic and help purify the blood. According to traditional medicine, consumption of portulaca oleracea, whether raw or cooked, can be effective in treating digestive problems. From another Properties of portulaca oleracea in traditional medicine We can mention relieving bleeding gums, treating irregular menstrual bleeding, quenching thirst and reducing neurological disorders. From Properties of purslane seeds In traditional medicine, hemorrhoids and bile problems can be mentioned.

Despite all the benefits we have listed for this plant, the presence of a substance called oxalate in portulaca oleracea can be problematic for people with kidney problems such as kidney stones. Oxalate, on the other hand, as an anti-nutritional substance, interferes with the absorption of some nutrients into the portulaca oleracea, such as calcium or magnesium. It is interesting to note that the amount of oxalate in portulaca oleracea that grows in the dark is higher than in samples that receive sunlight.


In this article, we introduced the properties of portulaca oleracea and the nutritional value of this substance. As we said, portulaca has a sweet taste and is not bitter, unlike many other vegetables. For this reason, it can be the best option for children who have problems eating vegetables.

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