
Do we get fat again after bypass surgery?

Bypass surgery or gastric sleeve is one of the effective treatments for obesity; But you may regain weight due to not strictly following the diet and sports activities.

In this case, it is better to consult the relevant doctor before taking any action.

In the rest of this article, we will discuss the causes of weight return after gastric sleeve and measures to prevent it, so stay with us.

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How is gastric bypass surgery performed?

Gastric sleeve or bypass operation is one of the most common and popular slimming surgeries, which is performed with the aim of reducing the size of the stomach and absorbing less food.

The sleeve operation is performed in two parts:

  • First, the surgeon cuts a small part of the upper part of the stomach and then sews it. With this, the volume of the stomach is very small and about 30 grams of eaten food can fit in it.
  • In the second part, the surgeon removes part of the beginning of the small intestine and attaches it to the new stomach.

How is weight loss guaranteed after gastric bypass surgery?

Gastric bypass surgery helps you lose weight by controlling and managing food intake.

As the volume of the stomach shrinks, you feel full with less food; Also, eaten food is absorbed in fewer parts of the stomach and intestines.

Will we get fat again after bypass surgery?

Timing of weight loss with gastric bypass:

During this period, you lose about 25 to 30 percent of your total extra weight and lose about 13 to 18 kg.

The rate of weight loss is slower after the first 3 months, but you will still lose one kilogram per week; During this period, you will lose between 45 and 55% of excess weight.

Many people lose about 65 to 70 percent of their excess body weight during this period of time by following a diet and exercising regularly.

  • The first year and a half

After this period of time, you will lose 80-90% of your extra body weight and reach your ideal weight.

Guaranteed weight return after gastric bypass surgery

Most patients follow a balanced diet and do sports in the first year after gastric sleeve surgery.

Over time, as in the past, people may turn to consuming fatty and heavy foods with a high amount of calories, or they may stop doing sports activities.

Gastric bypass surgery requires a long-term healthy and correct lifestyle, and people who do not follow the necessary tips will face weight gain.

Among the effective factors in weight return after gastric sleeve, the following can be mentioned:

  • Anatomical problems: Such problems can be called the enlargement of the stomach and the gastric canal.
  • Physiological problems: These problems include things like changes in fat metabolism; As a result, fat is stored more easily and the amount of fat burning is minimized.
  • Psychological problems: Examples can be things like depression and difficulty in defending new habits.
  • Stress leads to depression or bulimia; In this situation, you should visit your doctor and consult him.
  • behavioral problems: This category of problems leads to weight gain for various reasons, which include:
  • Not consuming meals for a long time and overeating afterwards
  • Confusion and disorder in eating
  • Consuming fried foods and fast food with high calories
  • Consuming the majority of daily calories at night
  • Overeating after feeling full
  • Alcohol and drug use
  • Drink liquids with food

Ways to prevent weight gain after surgery

  • After gastric bypass surgery, people may still feel fear or failure about the consequences and complications after the operation, so they should be supported by those around them.
  • It is recommended to follow your doctor’s recommendations after surgery and do not use arbitrary medication to speed up the treatment process.
  • It is necessary to make a fundamental change in your eating habits and prioritize foods rich in protein and minerals; Also, increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables.
  • It is recommended to do aerobic exercises that increase the heart rate in order to get better results.


Gastric bypass surgery is the most effective treatment for people who suffer from obesity.

In this procedure, by reducing the volume of the stomach, the amount of food consumed is reduced and the person loses his excess weight over time.

In some cases, due to depression, consumption of high-calorie foods and disordered meals, a person may lose weight.

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