
Be sure to know the side effects of laser skin care

The question for you is what are the side effects of laser skin? Laser is a type of electromagnetic wave that has various applications in medicine. In the beauty sector, this technology is usually used to remove moles, laser hair removal, skin laser to remove pimples and blemishes on the face. Despite the widespread use of lasers, the use of this therapeutic and cosmetic method may have side effects. Read more from Snap Market to review Complications of skin laser.

What are the side effects of skin laser?

By stimulating the skin and growing new cells, the laser is effective in treating skin imperfections such as wrinkles, pimples and acne, skin blemishes and many more. Using skin laser, like any other treatment, can have side effects. Complications of skin laser include redness and inflammation of the skin, among others Complications of skin laser As follows.

Swelling of the skin

Laser destroys hair follicles and hair follicles, and since damage to any of the body’s tissues is reactive, laser hair removal can also cause the skin to become swollen and red. Laser-treated areas usually look like waxed skin. In fact, redness and swelling of the skin are unavoidable and natural side effects of laser, but these symptoms disappear shortly after the laser.

Change in skin pigments

In any laser treatment, the skin color will change slightly. Complications of hypopigmentation or lightening of the skin after laser Complications of skin laser Is. To prevent skin pigmentation and lightening of the skin, a laser device with the ability to adjust the rays and cooling techniques should be used.

skin dryness

Some people may experience dry skin after laser skin rejuvenation or hair removal. The feeling of stretch marks on the skin and the appearance of dry skin is a natural side effect of the laser, which disappears a few days after the laser with proper skin care.

Acne on the skin

People who are prone to pimples and acne may experience pimples on parts of their face after laser skin resurfacing. Usually, the cause of acne after laser is the use of gels or creams to reduce inflammation, which, of course, disappear with proper care and treatment.

Laser beautification

Hypersensitivity of the skin to sunlight

The mechanism of action of the skin laser is that it first completely destroys the damaged and dead cells and finally stimulates the growth of healthy cells. Therefore, after skin laser, we see side effects such as skin sensitivity to sunlight.

Incidence of blisters and skin infections

From another Complications of skin laser Blisters and skin infections can be mentioned. These conditions usually occur in non-exfoliating lasers that require post-treatment care. Therefore, in case of such a problem, be sure to consult your doctor in this regard.

Eye damage

There is a possibility of eye damage in laser skin or all kinds of cosmetic services that are performed using a laser device on the face. For this reason, the use of special glasses in the laser room, in addition to the operator, is also mandatory for clients. If you notice that the center does not use glasses, it is recommended that you do not do your beauty activity there.

Laser complications

Does laser cause infertility?

You may also be wondering if Does laser cause infertility? In response to this misconception, it can be said that so far no conclusive evidence has been found to prove the complication of infertility by laser technology. In fact, the laser technology is designed so that its rays penetrate up to a few millimeters under the skin to destroy the hair follicles and bulbs. In all types of laser hair removal and laser hair removal, the depth of penetration of the radiation is not such as to cause tissue damage or infertility.

In general, what has been proven so far is that laser is a safe process. But if there is a specific and underlying disease, it is necessary to consult a specialist before starting laser sessions. Doctors do not have enough information about lasers during pregnancy and lactation. Therefore, lasers are not used during pregnancy and lactation to protect the health of mother and baby.

Is laser hair removal carcinogenic?

Laser is one of the most effective methods to remove excess hair and all kinds of skin blemishes, moles and skin rejuvenation. But you may ask yourself Is laser hair removal carcinogenic? Based on the evidence obtained from various studies, it is obvious that the answer to this question is no. Laser technology is always used around the world for a variety of applications, and no cases of laser hair removal have been reported.

It should be noted that the laser beam penetrates to a depth of 3 to 4 mm under the skin and only affects the hair follicles, so it does not cause any damage to tissues or organs. Also, to prevent the effects of laser skin or laser hair removal, it is necessary to refer to laser centers with modern and equipped devices. Laser surgery under the supervision of a specialist doctor or professional operators is also very effective in your satisfaction with laser services. To avoid any problems, avoid lasers in non-professional and unrelated beauty centers such as hairdressers.

Complications of laser treatment

Is Laser Hair Removal Painful?

The pain caused by laser hair removal varies in different parts of the body. Also, people with sensitive skin may feel more pain. In many cases, the type of laser and the thickness of the hair can also be effective in causing this pain. But in general, it can be said that the pain caused by laser hair removal is tolerable and even less than the pain of other waxing methods such as waxing.

Many people feel a tingling pain when having a laser, which is perfectly tolerable. Waxing also has more pain and complications than laser, for example, the return of hair into the skin after waxing is one of the most common side effects that can be prevented by laser treatment. In addition, laser hair removal, especially for people with thick and thick hair, can lead to lightening of the skin due to hair loss.


Laser hair removal has many benefits. If the laser is performed in centers with advanced equipment and professional operators, it will always lead to the highest level of client satisfaction. In fact, laser hair removal is an ideal method for permanent hair removal that is very effective. Other laser applications, if performed professionally by a professional, can have extraordinary results.

Complications of skin laser It is usually preventable. To reduce these side effects such as dryness or inflammation of the skin, you should have skin care a few days before and after the skin laser to minimize the amount of these side effects. As we have said, some beliefs, such as cancer or infertility after laser, are completely wrong and have no scientific basis. Using laser technology, you can solve all kinds of skin problems and excess hair. To improve the skin after laser treatment, you can buy skin repairing and modifying creams through orshid.

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