
cocktails with saffron sugar syrup

How to prepare saffron syrup and the benefits of saffron

Quick and complete recipe for preparing Saffron syrup at home and introducing the benefits of saffron drink for the health of the human body, especially in hot summer weather. cocktails with saffron sugar syrup. How much is saffron suitable for syrup? Join Orshid to teach you how to make Saffron syrup. The best Saffron syrup With rose recipe with a complete description of its preparation at home.


This plant is very suitable for the health of the human body. Saffron has more than 150 different antioxidant compounds that reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, strengthen memory and treat premenstrual syndrome. Saffron is consumed in different ways.

Iran is the largest producer of saffron in the world. Torbat Heydariyeh city is known as the saffron capital of the world due to its annual production of 50 tons of saffron.

Saffron is one of the most valuable spices in terms of healing properties, for many years due to the hot and dry nature of saffron, this amazing spice is used in many drinks and foods.

Over time, as people gained knowledge about saffron planting and changing the planting conditions of this crop, the availability of this spice became more widespread, and various instructions on how to use saffron became popular due to its many properties.

One of these methods is to use saffron as a syrup and drink. Saffron syrup is one of the most popular and luxurious drinks popular among Iranians, which is prepared at home and easily.

One of the most popular ways to use saffron in summer is saffron drink. Saffron syrup is a delicious summer syrup.

This plant is very suitable for the health of the human body. Saffron has more than 150 different antioxidant compounds

Saffron syrup

As the hot summer seasons approach, our bodies lose a lot of water due to high transpiration. As we explained in previous articles, dehydration leads to many problems such as headaches, severe depression, high blood pressure, fatigue, dry skin and so on. If it is difficult for you to drink a lot of water during these seasons, it is better to include different syrups in your diet instead of drinking water. One of the best syrups that we offer you is saffron syrup. In addition to quenching thirst, it also has many properties. Be sure to try the saffron drink.

Saffron syrup
One of the best syrups that we offer you is saffron syrup.

How much is saffron suitable for syrup?

To prepare saffron syrup, you need about one and a half teaspoons of saffron. Of course, you can increase or decrease this amount according to your taste. It is better to observe this amount for the first time and add the required amount to the syrup next time.

Saffron syrup With rose

In fact, Saffron syrup is one of the traditional Iranian syrups that sticks very well in hot weather and completely quenches thirst. The properties of saffron drink are many, the most important of which is its joy. It also strengthens the heart and stomach, reduces stress and nervous tension.

saffron drink

saffron drink is not difficult to prepare and you can easily prepare it by doing the four steps that we have explained to you. The recipe we prepared is about saffron and rose syrup, but if you wish, you can add pussy sweat, chicory, orange spring and to this syrup. All you have to do is pour the desired distillates into the pot, like rose water, when the syrup is boiling. The method of preparing saffron drink is very different and it is prepared in the same way. Just multiply the amount of ingredients you want as much as you want. It’s time to go to the method of preparing a very tasty and colorful saffron drink!

Saffron syrup With rose
Saffron syrup With rose

Ingredients for saffron syrup

  • Ground saffron 1/2 tablespoon
  • 200 grams of sugar
  • 1/2 liter of water
  • Rose 3 tbsp

cocktails with saffron sugar syrup

Rub saffron with a sugar cube to powder. Then brew saffron. To brew saffron, you have to pour it into a small container in the package and put it on indirect heat (like a kettle steam) to brew and color for 15 to 20 minutes. Then set it aside.

Pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil over medium heat. After the water boils, you can reduce the heat and add sugar. Stir the water and sugar mixture until the sugar is completely dissolved in the water.

After about 10 to 15 minutes, the mixture of water and sugar should reach the desired concentration. At this stage of preparing saffron syrup, you should add rose and saffron.

Let the syrup simmer for another 10 to 15 minutes to thicken and thicken. Then remove from heat. To serve, mix 3 to 4 tablespoons of saffron syrup with a pint of water and serve with ice.

cocktails with saffron sugar syrup

Saffron syrup recipe

Important Notes

This syrup is also served with syrup eggs and sorrel. To prepare saffron syrup and syrup or khakshir eggs, you can soak the syrup and khakshir eggs separately with water and then add it to the syrup when serving.

The method of preparing saffron and lemon juice is that in the second step, you should add a tablespoon of lemon juice to the mixture of water and sugar. Do this for about the last 10 minutes of boiling the sugar and water.

To add more aroma to saffron syrup, you can also use some cardamom, which is poured into the syrup with rose and saffron in the third stage.

Saffron syrup is also prepared with honey or candy. In this method, you should use candy or honey instead of sugar and let the honey or candy dissolve well in boiling water, and then do the rest of the steps.

Store the syrup in sealed containers and refrigerate.

Important Notes

Benefits of saffron

  • Boost immunity
  • Increase blood circulation
  • Prevention of heart disease
  • It is very useful for people with diabetes due to the significant amount of manganese.
  • It is one of the most important treatments for depression.
  • also prevent cancer or the spread of cancer in the body.
  • very useful for people who suffer from sports injuries or inflammation and pain.
  • Saffron causes high absorption of calcium, which is highly recommended to prevent osteoporosis.
  • It is very useful for people with Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s.

Consumption of saffron

  • Decoction of saffron
  • Saffron powder for use in a variety of foods for flavor and color
  • hair and skin mask
  • Saffron syrup
  • In the preparation of sweets
  • In Pharmacy

Tips on using saffron

Saffron is known as the most expensive spice and before buying and consuming it to get the benefits, check the following points more.

Choose high quality saffron with dark red color. Saffron red color shows better quality. If you buy saffron powder, try to choose a reputable brand or seller.

Store saffron in a cool place. To block light, saffron should be kept in a dark container or wrapped in foil because saffron is very sensitive to light. Saffron can be stored for 2 years, but the longer you keep the saffron, the lower its quality.

Before cooking food with saffron, remember that saffron is used as a powder and to ensure the quality of saffron, you can powder it yourself. Saffron can be added to any food and before adding it to food, add a small amount of water to saffron powder.

Saffron is commonly used for cooking rice, chicken and other unique foods, but it can also be used to make some desserts.

Saffron storage methods

After grinding, saffron should be stored in a glass container away from moisture and light, otherwise it will lose its quality over time and its medicinal and nutritional properties will be reduced. A misconception about saffron is that high quality saffron has a fragrance. Saffron has a fragrance only 2 months after harvest and then dries and smells again after grinding. So it does not always have perfume. Due to its resemblance to the tail of saffron, corn cobs are dyed and sold instead of saffron.

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