
The best way to wash and clean burnt Teflon dishes and pots

How to clean a burnt Teflon frying pan and pot ?!

The best way to wash and clean burnt Teflon dishes and pots. It is usually very difficult and tedious to clean burnt pots, especially if it is a Teflon dish that can not be used to wash any Scotch. In this article from Orshid, we want to teach you how to wash your Teflon dishes.

How to clean a burnt Teflon frying pan and pot ?!

To clean pans or pots or burnt dishes, never touch them with a spoon or other metal utensils. Cleaning and electrifying pots and pans and burnt dishes is one of the most difficult tasks of any housewife. . You can easily make your pots and pans white and shiny with the methods of this section of wet housekeeping tips.

The best way to clean a burnt Teflon dish
The best way to clean a burnt Teflon dish

How to clean burnt Teflon dishes

First of all, let the frying pan cool, use a wooden or plastic utensil to empty the contents. If it is still hot, use kitchen handles and towels to hold it and make sure to use non-metallic tools. You use a metal tool that scratches the surface of Teflon and sometimes even completely removes it.

When the pan has cooled and you have emptied the contents, put it in the sink. And let it stay. But if the sink is small, it may be a little sticky, but this is not a big problem because you can turn the dish in any direction to wash it.

Open the hot water tap and let the hot water flow into it. Let the pan stand for 5 to 10 minutes while it is filled with hot water.

Properly electrify and clean burnt Teflon dishes

Now use a sponge, paper towel or plastic brush to wash the frying pan.

Apply a few drops of dishwashing liquid to wash the surface of the pan. Be sure to clean all areas of the pan, including the inside and outside, as well as the handle and hinges of the pan. Now rinse the remaining soap and dishwashing liquid properly. Never use abrasive pads on Teflon pans, as the abrasive will damage or damage the non-stick coating of the pan.

When the pan is as clean as possible, add some vinegar and water; Usually you fill the frying pan halfway with water and then add half a cup of vinegar to it.

Now put the frying pan on the gas and boil the mixture of water and vinegar. Let it boil for 5 to 10 minutes. As the mixture heats up, food particles and oil remaining in the pan come to the surface.

Now turn off the heat and put a damp towel in the accumulated oil to collect it. As this mixture and frying pan will get very hot, be sure not to touch it directly with your skin.

Take out the paper towel and use a plastic spoon to collect the remaining food particles that are floating on the surface of the water.

When you have removed all the remaining small particles, empty the rest of the mixture little by little.

Finally, use a sponge, paper towel, washcloth or a soft plastic brush to gently rinse the pan with dishwashing liquid. Now rinse it with clean water and let it dry. Your Teflon frying pan is ready to use again.

A few tips for not burning dishes and pots made of zinc

If you use non-Teflon dishes, add a little lemon juice so that your dishes do not turn black while cooking.

If this type of your dishes are black, just pour some water, salt and lemon juice into them and boil them, and then wash the dishes with liquid to make them white again.

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