
How to properly wash all types of pillows and pillowcases at home

One of the most important factors that are effective in the health and hygiene of the skin and hair is the use of clean pillowcases and pillows. To Washing all types of pillows and pillowcases There are different methods that each person may use according to their taste and opinion.

The cleanliness of the pillow or pillowcase may not be of much importance to some people. But it is good to know that in many cases, the dirty pillowcase or pillow is the main source of many skin diseases and hair loss, including weak immunity and skin allergies. To learn more about the pillow washing guide, follow us in this article from the orshid blog so that we can familiarize you with how to wash pillows and pillowcases.

Washing all types of pillows and pillowcases

If you have been sitting on your pillow and pillowcase for a long time, just put them under the microscope once. You will surely be surprised by what you see. Microorganisms in pillows and pillowcases that feed on dead skin cells will be harmful to the body.

Therefore, it is better to wash the pillowcase regularly to control it. Washing all types of pillows and pillowcases is especially important during illness and colds. Surely, sleeping on a clean pillow, in addition to maintaining the health and health of the skin and hair, will bring you a comfortable sleep with peace.

How often should the pillow and pillowcase be washed?

For a person who uses his bed and pillowcase on a daily basis, it is better to wash his pillowcase once a week. Because in the case of continuous washing of the pillowcase, its dirt will no longer penetrate the pillow. As a result, the need to wash the pillow is felt less.

Pillow washing guide

Getting to know how to wash all types of pillows and pillowcases

Washing all types of pillows and pillowcases It has its own techniques. In general, to wash the pillow, you can use two methods of washing by hand or with a washing machine. It is better to follow these two points when washing the pillow.
● After washing the pillows, let them dry completely. Then pull the covers and sheets.
● If the pillows are not completely dry, it is better to avoid placing them on the bed and using them.

The correct way to wash pillows by hand (types of pillows: feather, foam, cloud, etc.)

How to wash a pillow by hand is not that difficult, but it may take a little more time than washing with a washing machine. The first step to do this is to pay attention to the washing instructions or the label on the pillow. Using this label, it is determined how to wash by hand or machine. Because in some types of pillows such as foam or feathers, special methods may be used to wash them. In this case, you can wash your pillow with confidence in the correct washing method.

To wash all types of pillows by hand, it is better to use a large tub. After putting the pillows in water, add washing powder to it. Then wash them gently and finally rinse. Make sure that the rinsing step is done carefully so that no foam or detergent remains in it. After the rinsing step, allow the pillows to dry completely, as they may pill if water remains inside.

The method of washing foam pillows

How to wash a foam pillow

You cannot use a washing machine to wash foam pillows. Because there is a possibility of foam collecting inside it. That is why they need to be washed by hand. Washing it should also be done with special gentleness and calmness, because as a result of getting wet, the ability to tear the foams will multiply.
If you plan to use a washing machine to wash these pillows, it is better to cover the inner surface of the pillow with a damp cloth. Then set the washing machine in the drying stage for 20 minutes until the foam pillow is completely clean.

The method of washing feather pillows

Normally, hand washing is used to wash feather pillows, but if you plan to wash your feather pillows with a washing machine, it is better to do the following. First, empty their feathers into a large cloth bag. Close the top of the bag tightly and put it in the washing machine using cold water without any bleach or softener.

After washing, remove the feathers and expose them to the open air and sunlight until the feathers dry completely. You can also wash the pillow fabric with a washing machine or by hand at your discretion. In order to prevent small feathers from coming out of the small holes of the pillowcase, it is better to apply soap on the inside of the pillowcase after ironing. Finally, put the feathers into the pillowcase and sew again.

Another method that is used to wash the feather pillow is to put two pillows in the washing machine at the same time for a better balance. After gently washing the pillows, it is better to dry them two or three times to remove any excess water from the feathers. Of course, it is better to take out the pillows after each drying and use a few strokes to prevent the feathers from becoming balls. Finally, by exposing them to sunlight, you can ensure the drying of your pillows.

Pillow washing guide

How to wash cloud pillows

Washing cloud pillows with methods Washing all types of pillows and pillowcases Is different. Because cloud pillows cannot be cleaned with water. In fact, the best way to clean these pillows is to use a vacuum cleaner or a clothes dryer without any washing. Only for the purpose of removing the dust in the cloud pillow. Therefore, for cloud pillows, it is necessary to wash the pillowcase separately and after dusting the pillows, put them back inside the pillowcase.

How to wash a pillow with a washing machine

To wash all types of pillows in the washing machine, it is better to put two pillows in the washing machine at the same time. Because this work, in addition to helping to balance the car better, also saves energy.
Next, turn on the washing machine and set the load size setting to heavy load. To add washing powder, add powder according to the amount of load. You can add half a cup of sodium carbonate to the washing water to remove any stains and further bleaching of the pillows.

Adding a few drops of lavender oil to the detergent also creates a pleasant scent in the pillows. Finally, put the washing machine on the dryer so that the pillows are completely dry and regain their original fluffy state.

How to wash a pillowcase by hand

To wash the pillowcase by hand, you can do the same as washing your clothes. It is better to use machine powder when washing the pillowcase by hand because it has more power in cleaning and removing stains. Just be careful to use less powder and rinse well a few times to remove any excess foam.

How to wash pillows and pillowcases
Note that you should never wash the pillowcase together with other clothes because it may change the color of the pillowcases. One of the effective and natural ways to lighten white pillowcases is to add a quarter cup of lemon juice to the mixture of water and foam.

The technique of washing all types of pillowcases with a washing machine

Washing the pillowcase is also simple and you can wash it like your clothes according to the type of material. Of course, in order to wash all types of pillowcases with a washing machine, it is better to pay attention to the following points in order to get a better result.

● Before throwing pillowcases into the washing machine, it is better to shake them well to remove possible dust.
● It is better to use cold water to wash the pillowcase and set the washing machine dryer to a cold setting.
● After washing, hang the pillowcases in the open air and exposed to sunlight.

When should the pillow and pillowcase be replaced?

No matter how hard you try to wash your pillows and pillowcases to keep them clean, they may eventually lose their original functionality after a while. In this case, you need to change them.
Now, the question may be asked, when should you change your pillow and pillowcase? To change the pillowcase, you can easily recognize it by its appearance. Because like any fabric and clothing, if it is torn or you feel uncomfortable, you can replace it.
To change the pillow, you can use this technique to fold the pillow in half and then release it. If the pillow does not return to its original shape, it is time to replace your pillow.

Washing pillowcases


The cleanliness of pillows and pillowcases is very important. Because a dirty and unwashed pillowcase causes hair loss and causes many skin allergies. To Washing all types of pillows and pillowcases According to its type, there are different methods.

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