
The best standard medical cervical spine models and their features

Medical cervical spine is a practical device for all people who need to sit for long hours. This sitting can be on a plane or bus, at a desk or while driving. In this article, we will introduce Snap Market The best medical back models Let’s go, introduce its types and check the secret of a safe purchase.

The best medical back models

If you have to sit for a long time, a medical cervical support is a necessary tool to maintain the health of the neck and spine. This sitting can be due to working online at home and sitting behind the laptop, due to long studies or driving a long distance. For any reason, it can cause the neck to stretch to one side, and after a while, muscle pains and shootings show themselves. A neck support helps to keep the neck in a normal position and not tilt it to one side when tired. As a result, there will be no fatigue or damage to the neck. With us in the introduction The best medical back models be with

1. Hemelia medical spine

Hemelia medical neck brace (HOP Liver Violet) from The best medical back models Is. This model has a soft top, so it does not bother the neck for a long time and you feel relaxed by resting your head on it. One side of the back of the neck is made of velvet fabric, which prevents skin allergies and itching. On the other side, linen fabric with fine pores is used. These pores allow air to exchange when sweating.

Inside the back of the neck, foam plastic sand and polystyrene materials are used, both of which are compatible with the environment. In addition to making it more malleable, this material is also light in weight. Therefore, it is easy to carry and does not tire the neck in the long run. The two ends of the back of the neck have a press button so that you can keep it fixed around the neck.

2. Smart neckrest Plus model

Smart neck rest model plus

In the back of the smart Plus model, soft and delicate linen (80%) is used for its top, which absorbs the moisture of the body well and does not allow the neck to sweat and burn in the heat. It also does not cause any skin sensitivity.

The best feature of this back neck sample is the use of smart memory foam in it. This type of foam has high flexibility so that the smart neck support of the Plus model takes the shape of your neck and remains in the most comfortable state. Also, the weight of the head cooks evenly in all parts of the neck so as not to cause fatigue and pressure on it.

3. Back of the neck in MD traction model

Back of the neck in MD traction model

Backrest in MD (2MD) air traction model is not included in the category of medical backrests, but it is recommended by some experts to relieve spasms and cramping of the neck vertebrae above the spine. This neck brace has a strong and durable latex pump, with which you can inflate the neck brace according to your neck height and posture. Many people use this neck pillow while lying on their back to avoid all the injuries while sleeping.

The material of its body is polyester and its cover is first-class anti-allergic woolen flannel. Therefore, you can safely use MD on the back of your neck to prevent skin sensitivity, itching and excessive sweating in the summer. Tu MD neck support model traction body is very practical and excellent for people who have disc or neck stiffness.

4. Amsig Medical Cervical Spine

Emsig Medical Cervical Spine

Emsig medical cervical spine model MF12-E (MF12-E) is made in Germany. The high quality of this medical neck brace makes it on the list The best medical back models puts. Using it removes all the fatigue and bruises of the neck muscles and prevents neck complications such as neck disc.

In this neck rest, thermal memory foam is used, which has great flexibility and is sensitive to temperature. Emsig neck cover is made of linen, cotton and natural fibers. Air can be easily exchanged in it and it does not cause any skin sensitivity or neck sweat and it can be washed.

5. Car model smart neckband

Car-style smart backpack

Car model smart neck brace to control the pressure when the car shakes. If you are one of those people who often drive and have to travel long distances every day, this is the right backpack for you. The ergonomic and standard design of this neck support makes the neck cavity filled and the weight of the head does not press on the neck.

Smart memory foam is used inside. The performance of this type of foam is such that if pressure or weight is applied to it, it becomes the same shape and returns to its previous state when the pressure is removed. Its flexibility is not so high that it loses its function, nor is it so low that it tires the neck and head more.

The back cover of the car model is made of linen, which allows air exchange and does not allow sweat or body moisture to irritate the skin. This back neck model from The best medical back models It is suitable for the car. To find it, search with the term (Car Model Smart Neckband).

Features of standard medical cervical spine

The most important function of a cervical spine is to keep the head up and along the spine. For this reason, a suitable neck support should be neither too soft nor too hard. Its fabric should be hypoallergenic. You may like the soft feel of the back cover when you try it on, but be careful if it doesn’t make you feel hot, itchy, or uncomfortable in the long run. In the following, we mention some other important features for a suitable neck brace.


Softness of the back of the neck

The flexibility of the back of the neck is the most important component in maintaining neck health and comfort. In order to be able to easily rest your head on it and to feel at ease about your neck, the softness of the back of your neck needs to be moderate. Being too soft makes it transfer the pressure equally to the neck so that using or not using the back of the neck does not make a difference. Also, if it is too tight, it will tire the neck in the long run and you would prefer not to use it, and it also restricts the movement of the neck too much. So make no mistake, a soft back does not make it comfortable.


If you use your backpack at work, in the library or on the bus and plane, you should think about its convenient transportation. Some neck braces are collapsible and not heavy. Also, the models that have a clip can be hung on your suitcase or bag to carry it easily. Inflatable backpacks are also convenient in terms of portability, but they are not standard and unfortunately, they often have a short life and get punctured quickly.

Suitable for any form of use

A neck brace suitable for any type of use

Some people use a neck support for sitting for a long time and some people use it while sleeping. One should be able to use a neck brace for any purpose and still feel comfortable.

Proper connection to the seat

A chair back is suitable when it is firmly attached to the chair. Since every person shakes his head in any situation, he should be able to do this easily. In fact, shaking the neck while sitting helps the health of the neck. As a result, do not neglect this characteristic of the back of the neck.


One of the other features of the best medical back models is the ability to wash. Due to using this device a lot and carrying it in different places, there is a high possibility of it getting dirty. Also, the neck is a part of the body that sweats a lot, so choose a back of the neck that can be washed, and if not, the top can be washed. It is better that the fabric used is soft and has strong stitching.

Easy to open or compress the nape of the neck

The backpack should be easy to open or compress so that you can quickly put it in your luggage or open it and use it on the plane. Being too involved in opening and closing it will make you forget important things while traveling.

Types of back neck in terms of shape

According to its shape, the back of the neck has different examples. You can choose one of the best medical back models according to your needs and expectations.

1. Ring neck

Neck ring

This type of back neck is a full round and has only one slit at the end. It covers the entire neck and keeps all the muscles of the neck stable. Some people can’t stand the heat for this very reason. These people should choose the following U-shaped model. If you use a neck pillow to sleep in a sitting position, the loop model is a good option.

2. U-shaped neck

U-shaped neck

This type of back cover covers half of the neck and its ends do not meet. It is suitable for sitting for a long time and will not make you feel hot and overwhelmed. If your head tends to move around while sitting, this model is recommended for you.

3. Neck scarf

Neck scarf

This type of neck brace covers your neck completely. Its difference with the ring model is that when you put it around your neck, its two ends are placed on each other and completely keeps your neck in a fixed position. The soft and foamy material of this type of neck support makes it comfortable. This type of backrest is also suitable for sleeping in a sitting position.

4. Rowley’s neck

Rowley's neck

This type of neck rest is to be installed in the seat and back of the neck. The curved and convex part of this neck rest is placed in the hollow part of the neck and prevents the pressure of the head on the neck during driving. It also prevents neck fatigue during long journeys. This type of neck rest is tied to the seat support with a strap. There is also a strapless model in the market that you should lean on to keep it steady and use its benefits.

Types of back neck in terms of sex

The back of the neck is very important in its proper functioning. For this reason, it is one of the other categories of cervical spine. Regarding the material of the neck cover, it is better to choose linen, velvet or suede. But a more important feature than that The best medical back models It can be washed.

1. Memory foam

Neck back with memory foam

Memory or smart foam is a type of foam that has standard and extraordinary flexibility. In this sample, the foam neck rest is formed according to the shape of the head and neck and causes no pressure from the head to the neck. Note that if you don’t like your head to sink into the back of your neck, don’t choose this model.

2. Hard foam

Another example of back material is hard foam. This type of material is suitable for people who do not want their necks to sink into the foam. This type of foam does not change shape and puts the neck and head in a standard position.

A safe purchase

Secure shopping on the back of your neck

When buying a neck brace, check all the mentioned items. The most important of them is the material of the back of the neck, its washability, weight and shape. It is better to choose a model that you can use for any purpose at home at the desk or on the plane. If it is an inflatable or foldable neck brace, try it a few times to make sure it is healthy. Also check the tightness so that it will not be a problem in case of washing. It is better to choose colors that do not get dirty easily and are so-called pus vectors. Avoid choosing bright colors such as white.

Finally, don’t rush when buying a neck brace so that you can choose one of the best medical neck brace models. Because it is effective in your comfort and affects the health of the neck and spine.

last word

A proper neck support makes sitting for long hours not painful for your neck and does not cause any damage to it. In this article after the introduction The best medical back models We checked the types of neck braces so that you can have a safe and standard purchase. Don’t forget to write your experience in buying and using a neck brace for orshid.

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