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Get to know the EFT method and its history better

techniques Emotional release (EFT), also known as trauma, is a technique used in psychotherapy. Emotional Release Techniques Combine the psychological benefits of speech therapy with the physiological benefits of acupuncture to restore energy and restore emotional and physical imbalance.

Emotional release techniques can alleviate a wide range of emotional and physical ailments and improve the functioning of your mind and body. These techniques can also play a role in resolving past traumas, breaking harmful habits, overcoming fears and phobias, and challenging limiting beliefs. In this review, we will talk completely about the method of emotional release.

What is the Emotional Release Method (EFT)?

Emotional release techniques have their roots in traditional Chinese medicine. Like acupuncture, these techniques stimulate the meridian system, which is located throughout the body. However, release techniques use finger tapping instead of the needles used in acupuncture.

By tapping on the meridian endpoints while focusing on a specific topic, you can help process and release energy blocks, physical and emotional pain, or other stressors. Traditional Chinese medicine teaches that optimal physical, mental and emotional health is achieved when vital energy, also called “chee”, flows freely in the body.

Emotional release techniques use the same approach for healing. “The cause of all negative emotions is a disorder of the body’s energy system,” says Gary Craig, the founder of these techniques. “Emotional release techniques can help alleviate these disorders.” Part of what makes this a useful technique is that you can do it alone.

While experts can guide you through this process, most people perform emotional release techniques at home, at work, or anywhere else. Once you know the main method and hit points, you can use it whenever you want. Basically, you state the problem or topic you want to work on, followed by the phrase “I love myself.” For example, you say, “Even though I do not have enough money, I completely love myself and accept my conditions.”

How the Emotional Release (EFT) Method Works

Impacting emotional release techniques are based on the combined principles of ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology. This exercise works on the meridian end points. The meridian system is an energy system that extends throughout the body. Typically, energy circulates through channels in your body through this network. Over time, things like injury, stress, physical or emotional trauma, or other painful experiences can block the free flow of energy in the meridian system.

Emotional relaxation techniques help to unblock the meridian system by tapping on the end points of the meridian while talking out loud about problematic issues. “Unlike speech therapy, emotional liberation techniques allow you to access the subconscious mind, where 95% of our thoughts, memories, past traumas, and limiting beliefs are,” explains Brad Thompson, a physician who specializes in liberating techniques. “They will be saved.”

How the Emotional Release (EFT) Method Works

Much of what happens in our lives is our emotional state, and our behaviors are the result of events that occur below the level of our conscious mind. Emotional release techniques allow us to identify and change past traumas so that they are no longer provoked.

Pamela Thompson, also an expert on emotional release techniques, adds: “Emotional release techniques are very powerful and allow us to have more control over our health. We do the tapping to release those stored negative emotions and change these limiting beliefs. “Our bodies now release chemicals and hormones that calm us down.”

History and Philosophy of the Emotional Release Method (EFT)

Today’s methods Emotional release techniques have evolved from a series of discoveries. In the early 1960s, an American chiropractor named George Goodhart Jr. began using ancient acupuncture techniques in his medical practice. In particular, Goodhart did not try to find the root cause of the pain when he tapped his fingers on his patients.

Dr. Roger Callahan succeeded in the early 1980s with the development of special percussion algorithms that allowed individuals to manage percussion on their own without the guidance of a trained professional. Dr. Callahan’s practice became known as TFT therapy.

In the early 1990s, Dr. Callahan’s student, Gary Craig, discovered a way to simplify the process. He determined that the fastest way to get rid of any disturbance in the energy system is to follow a basic instruction consisting of 9 meridian endpoints. This process became known as inflectional release techniques.

Twenty-two years after Gary Craig developed emotional liberation techniques, in 2013 the technique gained both academic and professional prestige. In addition, the American Psychological Association (APA) has awarded psychologists training credits to study emotional release.

History and Philosophy of the Emotional Release Method (EFT)

Research on Emotional Release Method (EFT)

So far, modern science research into why emotional release techniques work has been amazing. The results show why emotional release techniques bridge the gap between advanced Western medicine and ancient Eastern therapies. While emotional acupuncture techniques have been inspired by Chinese acupuncture for thousands of years, from a contemporary scientific point of view, the effect of these techniques on the body’s stress response is what makes this method so effective.

Uncontrolled chronic stress damages the body and plays a key role in all conditions and diseases. In fact, part of the cause of chronic illness is that most people are over-stressed and do not know how to deal with it. Emotional liberation techniques relieve you of both physical and emotional stress by simultaneously intervening.

Years of scientific study show that release techniques can directly access the almond-shaped part of your brain called the amygdala. When our ancestors faced a life-threatening situation, such as the sudden appearance of a tiger, the amygdala triggers the fire of war, flight, or the freezing reaction. The brain responds in the same way and far more to stressors, including everyday worries associated with phobias, fears, and traumatic experiences.

Excessive production of stress hormones in the body can lead to serious complications, including:

  • High blood pressure
  • Suppression of the immune system
  • Digestive problems
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Reproductive problems
  • Obesity
  • insomnia
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Thyroid disorders
  • Chronic pain
  • arthritis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Headache
  • Brain changes due to anxiety, depression, dementia and addiction

Emotional release techniques have the ability to intervene and interrupt the body’s stress response. Tapping acupressure points while thinking and expressing your emotions sends an electrochemical message to the brain to deactivate the enlarged amygdala. Studies have shown that release techniques can stimulate the rapid absorption of cortisol while releasing serotonin. Serotonin is a chemical that regulates mood and makes a person feel good.

Research on Emotional Release Method (EFT)

How to Perform an Emotional Release Method (EFT)

Emotional release is a self-management technique that can effectively address the underlying causes of stress by relaxing the amygdala or the fear center of the brain. Decreases the level of stress hormones in the bloodstream and activates the growth and relaxation response. To perform emotional release techniques, tap on a series of meridian points. In the meantime, focus on the thought, physical, or emotional pain that is causing the stress to send a message to the brain that rest is helpful.

You generally need to focus on the negatives. Expressing stressors allows your body to release them by tapping. Remember all those thoughts, memories, and hurts in our subconscious that we mentioned earlier. This way you can potentially identify and release them. Important points in implementing these techniques are:

  • Identify what is bothering you. This can be a difficult memory, physical or emotional pain. Choose only one thing. Instead of me feeling very upset, clarify the matter by saying this sentence. I’m not happy because my boss yelled at me.
  • Identify the emotion and where you feel it in your body.
  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you feel about that emotional problem (i.e., dissatisfaction and sadness)?
  • Create your acceptance statement. For example, say, “Although I’m dissatisfied because my boss yelled at me, I love and accept myself deeply and completely.”
  • Gently tap the meridian end sequence as you say your acceptance statement aloud.
  • How do you feel after hitting?
  • Repeat this process using anything new that comes to mind until you feel better.

How to Perform an Emotional Release Method (EFT)

Benefits of the Emotional Release Method (EFT)

Emotional release techniques can be used to work with any health condition. Both the energy flow perspective of Chinese medicine and contemporary scientific research emphasize that deep-release emotional release techniques work to address the root causes of illness and distress. Stress, emotional pain, trauma, and fear all play a role in most chronic health problems, as well as our reaction to more acute situations. Emotional release techniques can help find the root of these illnesses.

Physical benefits

Release techniques can be a useful complementary exercise in dealing with chronic or acute health problems. For example, while tapping can not heal a broken leg, it can help us cope with our negative reaction to a broken leg. If we experience feelings of anger and helplessness due to a sudden loss of mobility, we can tap into those emotions and help release them.

Similarly, we may suffer from a chronic health condition such as leaky gut syndrome, which may be the result of a number of factors, including diet, infection, and exposure to environmental toxins. However, stress also contributes to intestinal leakage. Emotional release techniques can work directly with our stress levels, while helping us overcome other barriers to healing, such as resisting changing our diet.

Mental benefits

Emotional liberation techniques can be a useful technique for working with fears, phobias and other mental health barriers. It can also be helpful in boosting creativity because the body’s stress response actually shuts down the brain’s creativity centers. In other words, if you are really stressed, it is difficult to think clearly and creatively. By using emotional release techniques to reduce your overall stress level by tapping on anything that causes you stress, you can actually help your brain function more efficiently overall.

Emotional Release Method (EFT)

Emotional benefits

Liberation techniques are an effective way to alleviate emotional suffering. Tapping is a way of communicating with the emotional pain that may be buried deep within you, and releasing that pain is important for survival. Because liberating techniques allow us to relate to and accept what we feel without judgment, it is also a powerful way to build compassion and acceptance for ourselves. Issues related to specific emotions for which emotional liberation techniques can be useful include:

  • Grief
  • strike
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Chronic pain
  • Headache
  • Fear and phobia
  • Cases of panic
  • Lusts and addictions
  • Weight Loss
  • Allergies
  • Anger issues
  • Sleep problems
  • Insecurity
  • Lack of motivation
  • Procrastination

“Research now shows that 99% of all illnesses are caused by emotional stress,” says Brad Thompson. Emotional release techniques are very important. Because they can access and alleviate the root cause, our negative thoughts and limiting beliefs that are buried in our subconscious.

last word

Emotional release techniques have no side effects and are safe to do anywhere. However, since tapping can be accompanied by trauma and emotional pain, a tapping session can sometimes reveal deep suffering. Experts often recommend that if you are going to hit something really hurtful, it is very helpful to do this with an expert in emotional release techniques. Because a specialist can guide you and prevent you from drowning too much in your emotions.

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