
Get to know the pros and cons of nose surgery!

Are you thinking about rhinoplasty? Are you looking for the best nose surgeon in Tehran? If you are planning to do nose surgery, you must have thought about the pros and cons of this surgery at least once. Rhinoplasty, which is also known as rhinoplasty, includes a procedure that can change the appearance of the nose in different ways. Change elegant or fashionable. If you think the potential benefits outweigh the potential risks of rhinoplasty and you have realistic expectations, you may be a good candidate for rhinoplasty. Like any other choice in life, choosing different surgeries also has advantages and disadvantages, which we will introduce you to later, stay with us.

Advantages of rhinoplasty

  • Balance: Sometimes the nose may be crooked in the face of people. The unique appearance of the nose can cause an imbalance between the nose and the face, rhinoplasty can maintain balance in people’s faces, which is one of the most important advantages of rhinoplasty.
  • Improving nasal breathing flow: Different intranasal structures can contribute to problems in the flow of air through the nose, severe impact during sports or events such as accidents or other disorders can cause deviation and fracture of the nasal septum. The main bone or nasal septum consists of a wall that separates the left and right sides of the nose. If this blade, or so-called septum, is tilted, it can block one or both sides of a person’s nasal airways, which are responsible for sending air to the lungs. In these cases, nose surgery or rhinoplasty as well as septoplasty or correction of bone deviation are often performed for the person at the same time, in other words, both the airways of the person are corrected and the inappropriate appearance of the nose is improved.
  • Self-confidence and better mental visualization of your appearance: In cases where people suffer from psychological issues such as negative self-images and lack of self-confidence, positive changes in the appearance of the nose can lead to an increase in self-confidence through rhinoplasty. .

You can access all these benefits if you choose the best reconstructive nose surgeon in Tehran and any surgeon who is the best in your work, then we are going to introduce you to the disadvantages of nose surgery.

Disadvantages of rhinoplasty

  • Thick skin: thick skin on the nose makes it harder to see the results of rhinoplasty. A problem that applies especially to those who want to have a more compact nose tip. Fancy nose surgeries, or so-called doll noses, which make the nose tip smaller than normal, can destroy the cartilage of the nose tip. However, if your facial skin is thick, the results of rhinoplasty will be more difficult.
  • Limitations: There are many things that a person will be involved with in the process of rhinoplasty. be done using nose surgery. The shape of the nose can be changed in different ways by changing the shape of cartilage and bone. However, there are limitations based on individual gross anatomy.

Possible risks of rhinoplasty

The number of successful rhinoplasty operations is very high, but this does not make us ignore the possible risks. The best solution to reduce possible risks and complications after rhinoplasty is to balance expectations and consult with an experienced specialist.

Remember that a large part of the results of surgery is related to post-operative care. After the operation, the doctor explains all the care after nose surgery to the attendant. Possible risks of rhinoplasty include:

  • A common side effect is temporary or permanent loss of smell. In most people, the sense of smell returns to normal after some time, but some people lose their sense of smell completely.
  • The creation of a dullness on both sides of the nose in the cavities and nostrils, which is often caused by the inexperience of the doctor. In these cases, you should first wait until the swelling of the nose subsides. If the two sides of the nose are still not the same, reconstructive surgery is performed.
  • In cases where rhinoplasty surgery is performed at the same time as nose deviation surgery, there is a possibility of creating a hole in the nasal septum.
  • Respiratory problems are one of the most common complications of nose surgery performed by inexperienced doctors. Humans cannot breathe through the nose and breathe through the mouth, which sometimes has a sound.
  • Infection is one of the possible risks that will follow adhesions in the inner areas of the nose. Infection after rhinoplasty is very rare. Usually, to prevent this complication, doctors prescribe antibiotics after nose surgery. By choosing the best orthopedic nose surgeon in Tehran, you can avoid all these possible risks.
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