
knife Sharpen with a simple trick at home

Sharpen a kitchen knife without a knife

As your knives slow down, what is the first thing that comes to your mind to sharpen a knife? If you are thinking of sharpening a knife or even worrying about that knife, it is better to try the simple way that I will say in the following to sharpen the knife before them. knife Sharpen with a simple trick at home.

In this article from Orshid, we tell you what causes a kitchen knife to slow down and how you can sharpen it at home without a knife. Sharpen a kitchen knife without a knife Sharpener with a simple trick at home.

Prevent the knife from slowing down

For me, the question has always been what causes the kitchen knife to slow down? Although I took good care of my kitchen knife; But after a while, they slowed down.

I asked a butcher why your knife always stays sharp but my kitchen knife slows down after a while. “Because you chop everything with your knife, but we only chop the meat with it,” he said. I did not understand exactly what they meant that day! Until a few days ago, I realized the way to prevent the kitchen knife from slowing down. In this post, I will share this experience with you.

Cause of slowing down kitchen knives

We chop onions at least once a day with our kitchen knife. But what is the connection between onion and knife slowing?

One of the main reasons for the slowing down of the knife is chopping onions. Onions damage the blade of the knife and slow down the knife over time. But you may ask, why does onion slow down the knife?

This is due to the acidic properties of onions; Which slows down the kitchen knife. Try to prevent the knife from slowing down; Have a separate knife for onions and also rinse the knife immediately after chopping the onion; So that the onion juice drops do not remain on the knife and do not slow down the knife.

Tip: All acidic substances such as lemon and… slow down the kitchen knife. So to keep your knife sharp, wash the knife quickly after crushing the acidic material.

Two other important factors that slow down a kitchen knife; Cutting board and dishwasher. Try using wooden or plastic cutting boards and do not wash your knives with the dishwasher; Instead, wash and dry them by hand.

Washing the knife with a dishwashing wire and placing the knife next to the spoon and forks due to the impact on the knife blade are other reasons for the kitchen knife to slow down.

A trick to sharpen a knife without a knife
A trick to sharpen a knife without a knife

knife Sharpen with a simple trick at home

You can easily do this with the bottom of a plate. Sharpening a knife with a plate at home is very easy. You can easily sharpen it by pulling the knife blade on the back of the plate. This is done quickly and does not require anything else.

It works just as well on the bottom of ceramic plates, too, and if you’re really adventurous, you could take another commenter’s suggestion to heart and try other household objects, like “Bricks, flower pots, concrete, and even stone.”

knife Sharpen with a simple trick
knife Sharpen with a simple trick

A trick to sharpen a knife without a knife

Before I talk about how to save a slow knife; I suggest you know about the cause of the knife slowing down and ways to prevent the knife slowing down. To slow down your knives and make them last longer.

The way we are going to get acquainted with is easier and more accessible than Sohan.

You can easily use a porcelain bowl or plate to sharpen the knife.

Porcelain bowls or plates become worn and rough after a while. (Like the image below)

All you have to do is pull the knife on this abrasion. You can see that your knife sharpens easily.

To pull the knife, first place the bottom of the knife from the blade to the bottom of the bowl in the rough part and pull firmly towards the tip of the knife. Just like pulling a knife on a razor.

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