
Prohibited foods before and during travel

Whether you want to do something before the flight or while on the plane, you have to list Prohibited foods before and during travel Take a look. You should make a list of foods that you should avoid eating before and during the flight. These foods make you feel uncomfortable during the flight. In this review we go to Foods and drinks that should not be eaten before the flight And we’re talking about foods that should be avoided during the flight.

Processed and salty foods

As you walk past the fast food stalls in the terminal, it can sometimes be very tempting to have a nutritious meal before your trip. But experts warn that salty foods and snacks can be upsetting to the digestive system. In particular, anything that is high in fat is slower to digest while sitting and can cause heartburn.

By avoiding foods that naturally cause bloating through fluid retention, such as salty foods, you can have trouble sitting on a flight. In addition, it is important to avoid eating salty foods before the flight. Keep in mind that compressed air in airplanes has low humidity. While you may not be at risk for severe dehydration, you may still feel thirsty during the flight, so drinking water and not eating salty foods is essential.

Cross legumes

Crossed legumes and vegetables are forbidden foods before and during travel. Beans and other legumes usually cause flatulence after each meal. But because of the air pressure in the plane, your gas will have a worse effect on your digestive system after you get off the plane. As you reach the height, the gas in your body also expands. If there are foods that you know will naturally make you feel bloated, it is best to avoid them before the flight.

Eating some vegetables before the flight may seem like a way to stay healthy on the trip. A bulky salad may seem like the best option at the airport, but raw vegetables, especially cruciferous vegetables like kale and broccoli, can produce more gas. Raw vegetables cause bloating because the altitude of the plane causes more gas to be produced. If you eat in a restaurant before boarding a plane, ask for broccoli, asparagus or lettuce salad instead.

Spicy foods

Among the forbidden foods before and during the trip, we can mention spicy foods. In fact, everyone likes to add a little spice to their food. Unfortunately, if you are planning to travel by plane, spicy food can cause you severe stomach upset. Spicy foods can further irritate the stomach, causing excess gas and bloating. These foods can increase the risk of severe stomach upset during flight. It is better to avoid spicy sauce before flying.

Foods and drinks that should not be eaten before the flight

Chewing gum or sugar-free candy

It is not uncommon to carry some of your favorite chewing gum on a plane. But experts say that chewing gum while flying also swallows air, which can lead to bloating in passengers. This is especially true for products made with artificial sugars that are difficult for the body to digest and may even have a laxative effect.


Shrimp is one of the most common types of seafood served on airplanes and can host a variety of food pathogens. For example, a comprehensive study in 2015 found that 60% of frozen shrimp tested were positive for Salmonella, Vibrio vulnificus, Listeria or E. coli and 2% were positive for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). All seafood, especially shrimp and mussels, are very dangerous and should not be eaten on airplanes.

Other types of forbidden foods before and during the trip are as follows:

You can not bring any food in liquid or cream form on the plane. This rule, known as the TSA Fluid Code, states that you can only carry the following food items with you:

  • Cranberry sauce
  • Jam or jelly
  • Maple syrup
  • salad dressing
  • Ketchup sauce and other condiments
  • Liquids of any kind
  • peanut butter

Canned foods, carbonated beverages, caffeinated beverages, semi-melted ice packs and alcoholic beverages are the most difficult to pass through security checkpoints. Because these cases are associated with special conditions regarding the time of transportation with hand luggage. So be careful in this case.

Suitable foods before and during the flight

Suitable foods before and during the flight

Choose soups and stews, including curry stews, as they are usually heated several times, which is likely to kill bacteria. Bread, rolls, crackers, packaged bakery items and saline packages can all be eaten before and during the flight.

If you want some fruit or vegetables, look for something with a skin that you can peel off. Oranges or bananas are the best fruits before and during the flight. Drinking tea is generally safe because hot water kills most bacteria and does not cause any stomach problems.

last word

Food safety experts say that if you are one of the millions of people flying to their destination this week, you should avoid eating forbidden foods before and during the trip. These foods can cause problems with your digestive system and make you feel uncomfortable all the time you are on a plane. In general, you should avoid spicy, carbonated, laxative foods and eat foods that are easier to digest. The best choices can be soups, breads and fruits.

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