
What do you know about the important nutritional tips for kidney health?

Each of our organs plays an important role in our body, without which our body life would be difficult. The kidneys are one of the most important systems in our body due to the fact that they purify the blood from waste products. So, get acquainted with Nutritional tips for kidney healthAssures us of the proper functioning of this important organ.Nutritional tips for kidney health Which ones? Healthy foods for the kidneys What are the snacks? If we have kidney disease, What to include in kidney nutrition? To answer these questions, be sure to follow us to the end of this article.

What is the role of the kidney in the body?

Our kidneys are two bean-shaped limbs about the size of a fist that lie just below our chest, on either side of our spine. The kidneys of a healthy person filter half a cup of blood every minute and excrete waste products and excess body water through urine. Urine flows through two thin muscular tubes from the kidneys to the bladder, accumulates in the bladder and is then excreted.

The kidneys remove waste products and excess fluids from the body and excrete the acid produced by our body cells. The kidneys help maintain a balance of water, salts and minerals such as sodium, calcium, phosphorus and potassium in the body. Without this balance, nerves, muscles and other tissues in the body may not be able to function normally.

But in order to maintain this balance, it is necessary to observe a number of dietary points. In this article we will say that Nutritional tips for kidney health What is. Do not miss the rest of the article.

Why is kidney health important?

The kidneys play a very important role in the body, the most important of which is the excretion of waste products, excess water and other impurities from the blood. These wastes accumulate in the bladder and are then excreted in the urine. In addition, the kidneys regulate pH, salt and potassium levels in our body.

The kidneys also produce hormones that control blood pressure and red blood cell production. These bean-shaped organs are responsible for activating a type of vitamin D that helps your body absorb calcium to build bones and regulate muscle function.

Maintaining kidney health is important for the overall health and vitality of the body. By keeping your kidneys healthy, your body will properly filter and excrete waste products; It also produces hormones that help the body function properly. Read more about Nutritional tips for kidney health We will talk.

Healthy foods for the kidneys

Healthy foods for the kidneys

Due to the important role that the kidneys play in our body, eating Healthy foods for the kidneys It is necessary. In this section of Nutritional tips for kidney healthTo introduce Healthy foods for the kidneys we will pay.

As one of Nutritional tips for kidney healthKeep in mind that for kidney health or to improve the symptoms of kidney disease, you should eat foods that are very low in sodium, potassium and phosphate. If you ask us that What to include in kidney nutritionWe suggest the following:

· egg white

Egg white is rich in quality proteins and its consumption is recommended for kidney health.

Skinless chicken

Skinless chicken breast contains less phosphorus, potassium and sodium than chicken skin parts and is recommended for kidney health.

· olive oil

Olive oil is an excellent source of healthy, phosphorus-free fats; Therefore, its use is recommended for kidney health.

Macadamia nuts

Macadamia has much less phosphorus than nuts such as peanuts and almonds, and is therefore a friend of our kidneys.

· Bulgur

Oatmeal is made from whole wheat and is a great alternative to other whole grains, which are high in phosphorus and potassium.

Healthy foods for the kidneys: fruits and vegetables

In addition to the numerous benefits that fruits and vegetables bring to the body, these can be Healthy foods for the kidneys Also considered. Among the best fruits and vegetables for kidney health are:

· Cauliflower

Cauliflower, in addition to containing a variety of vitamins and anti-inflammatory compounds, has very little sodium, potassium and phosphorus. Therefore, one of Healthy foods for the kidneys is considered.

· Blueberries

Charcoal is a very tasty fruit that contains 1.5 mg of sodium, 114 mg of potassium and 18 mg of phosphorus per 150 g. Include this fruit in your diet and in addition to the taste, enjoy its benefits for the kidneys.

· Red grape

The beautiful and delicious seeds of red grapes, in addition to reducing inflammation and helping heart health, are also friends of your kidneys.


Is there anyone who is not familiar with the countless benefits of garlic for the body? Garlic also has many benefits for the kidneys.

Other vegetables

Bell peppers, onions, arugula, radishes, turnips and pineapples Healthy foods for the kidneys Are considered.

Important nutritional tips for kidney health: Useful drinks

Including Nutritional tips for kidney health That most of us know but do not practice, drinking water is enough. Although water intake varies according to the activity and needs of the body, experts recommend drinking an average of 6-8 glasses of water daily. As one of Nutritional tips for kidney healthWe offer you the following drinks:

  • Fruit juice (provided it is natural and free of artificial sugar)
  • Beet juice
  • Calcium drinks such as almond milk or soy milk
  • Drinks such as ginger, dandelion and nettle
  • Sweat such as cardamom, sage, rose and alfalfa

Follow some tips In everyday life

Follow some tips in daily life for kidney health

Considering the important role that the kidneys play in the health of the body and maintaining its proper functioning, taking it seriously Important nutritional tips for kidney health It is necessary. But besides observance Important nutritional tips for kidney health, Observing some points that are related to daily life has a great impact on kidney health. Please note these items.

1. Exercise and stay fit

You need to know regular exercise along with observance Nutritional tips for kidney health, Will have an extraordinary accompanying effect. Exercise can reduce the risk of chronic kidney disease. It also lowers blood pressure and improves heart health, both of which are important in preventing kidney damage.

You do not have to be a professional athlete and run a marathon to enjoy the health benefits of exercise. Walking, running, cycling and even dancing are good for your health. Find an activity that keeps you busy and entertained.

In this case, you will be more committed to your activity and you will get better results. Remember, in addition to exercise, you should Nutritional tips for kidney health Also note. We can not exercise and eat whatever we can!

2. Control your blood sugar

People with diabetes or other conditions that cause high blood sugar in the body may have kidney damage. When the body’s cells can not use the glucose (sugar) in the blood, the kidneys have to work hard to filter the blood. Over time, this can lead to threatening injuries.

However, if you can control your blood sugar, your risk of kidney damage will be reduced. Also, if these injuries are diagnosed early, your doctor can take steps to reduce or prevent the progression of the injury. As one of the main Nutritional tips for kidney healthBalanced consumption of sugary foods and blood sugar control.

3. Control your blood pressure

High blood pressure can cause kidney damage. If high blood pressure is associated with other health problems such as diabetes, heart disease or high cholesterol, it can have a significant impact on the body. Healthy blood pressure is 120/80, and if your blood pressure is constantly above 140/90, you may have high blood pressure. Be sure to talk to your doctor about regular blood pressure monitoring, lifestyle changes, and medication to improve your condition.

4. Control your weight and eat a healthy diet.

Having a healthy diet is one of Nutritional tips for kidney health Is. People who are overweight or obese are at risk for a variety of diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and kidney disease, each of which in turn can affect kidney health.

A healthy diet low in salt, processed meats and other foods that are bad for the kidneys can help reduce the risk of kidney damage. Try to eat more organic substances that are naturally low in salt, such as cauliflower, blueberries, fish, whole grains, and so on.

5. Drink plenty of fluids

If you ask us that Useful drink for the kidneys What is it, we call it water. Although there is no magic behind the cliché “Drink 8 glasses of water a day”, at least the benefit of drinking water is that it keeps your body hydrated; Regular and continuous consumption of water is also beneficial for the kidneys.

As in section Nutritional tips for kidney health We said that fluids play an important role in kidney health. Water helps clear kidneys of toxins and toxins and reduces the risk of chronic kidney disease. Exactly how much water you need daily depends largely on your health and lifestyle.

Factors such as climate, exercise, gender, general health, and pregnancy or lactation determine daily water intake. But as a general rule, try to drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water a day. People who have had kidney stones before should drink more water to prevent kidney stones in the future.

6. Do not smoke

Smoking damages your body’s blood vessels and slows blood flow throughout the body and kidneys. Smoking also puts your kidneys at risk for cancer. If you quit smoking, many health risks are reduced.

7. Do not overdose on painkillers

If you take over-the-counter painkillers regularly, you will damage your kidneys. Kidney disease is lurking if you are constantly taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), including ibuprofen and naproxen. one of Nutritional tips for kidney health That is, do not overdo it.

People who do not have kidney problems and occasionally take medication are not at risk. But if you take these drugs daily, you may endanger the health of your kidneys. If you have chronic pain and need painkillers, be sure to talk to your doctor about medications that are not harmful to the kidneys.

8. Take kidney checkups seriously

If you are at risk for kidney damage or disease, it is best to get your kidneys checked regularly. The following people are more at risk for kidney disease:

  • People over 60 years old.
  • People born with low birth weight.
  • People with cardiovascular disease or someone with a family history of heart disease.
  • People who have high blood pressure themselves or have a family history of high blood pressure.
  • People who are obese.
  • People who have symptoms of kidney damage.

Regular kidney function tests are a great way to find out about kidney health and to check for possible changes. Early detection of any injury can help reduce or prevent further damage

A final word on important nutritional tips for kidney health

Despite the importance of the kidneys for the body, pay attention to Nutritional tips for kidney health It is obligatory. In the following article with you about the types Healthy foods for the kidneys We talked and told you how you can help keep your kidneys healthy. If you have ever had kidney disease, which foods have helped reduce your symptoms? You suggest us What to include in kidney nutrition?

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