
Benefits of Yoga on the Body and Fitness (13 Reasons to Start Yoga)

Do not Start Yoga you think? According to a 2012 survey by the Association of Sports Product Makers, more than 22 million people over the age of 6 in the United States practice yoga for obvious reasons.

The physical and mental rewards of yoga are really worth it: relaxation, better sleep, increased concentration and much more. If to start Yoga exercisesYou need a little encouragement and motivation, read the following 13 reasons:

  1. Yoga relieves mental turmoil

In today’s fast-paced world, your mind may be constantly jumping, thinking about what has happened before, what is happening now, and what you need to do in the future. Yoga can help you stay in the present and clear your mind.

“Different things can be stressful because we keep them and allow them to make up stories in our minds, which takes up valuable time,” says Jessica Ray, a Boston yoga instructor. He feels that practicing yoga helps to solve all these things.

  1. Yoga improves your mood

If you feel depressed, yoga can be a natural energizer. A 2011 study at Boston University School of Medicine found that yoga improved mood and reduced the anxiety of 19 yogis (someone who specializes in yoga) over a 12-week period.

This is attributed to the amount of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain, which increases when you practice yoga. Other studies have linked low GABA levels to depression. So take out the yoga mat and increase your health and happiness.

  1. Yoga is an effective cross exercise

Yoga complements many sports and fitness activities that do not involve stretching or balance exercises, such as golf or baseball.

“Many professional sports teams now incorporate yoga into their practice,” says Laura Burghart, a yoga instructor and founder of Yoga Reach International in San Francisco.

This helps them in sports activities that require balance, concentration and endurance. If you already care about your fitness, or are a runner, cyclist, tennis player or weightlifter, try to consider the pros and add yoga exercises to it.

Benefits of Yoga for Fitness

  1. Yoga helps you sleep

If you roll over in bed at night and do not sleep, maybe yoga will help you sleep more deeply. A 2004 study published in the journal Applied Mental Physiology found that yoga reduces the level of consciousness that contributes to insomnia.

Participants reported better sleep efficiency, longer sleep, and less waking during the night, among other improvements. So add a few yoga exercises to your daily routine to get a better night’s sleep.

  1. Yoga is a sport that anyone can do

Yoga is available to most people. Yoga is an activity that allows you to exercise at your own pace and put as much pressure on yourself as you like. Most yoga poses come in many forms, from basic (advanced) to advanced, and can be modified for a wide range of injuries.

“It doesn’t matter how old you are, your weight, your strength or your flexibility, yoga is for everyone,” says Laura. Yoga is an activity that you can do even in old age.

  1. Yoga helps with flexibility

For those trying to touch their toes, yoga may gradually reduce muscle stiffness and increase flexibility. Yoga instructor Jessica Rey says that the key to increasing flexibility is regular exercise.

“Flexibility is something I have to work on constantly and not something that is innate in me, so I fully understand the problem people have with it,” he says. He advises you to think of yoga as an investment in your body.
If you try, you will see the results.

  1. Yoga is a good way to meet people

Any group exercise can be a good way to meet people who share your interests. Laura has realized that yoga is a healthy way to build community. “I met my best current friends through yoga,” he says.

Plus, going to class is healthier than going to a coffee shop! This does not mean that you should not go out, but having friends who are healthy is good.

Yoga movements for fitness

  1. Yoga respects your limits

Unlike many sports and fitness activities where the focus is on moving forward and performing better, yoga respects your strengths and physical limitations, so you do not need to be afraid of anyone else in the class.

“Instead of putting pressure on the body, like other physical activities, yoga focuses on respecting the body and its limitations,” says Laura. Yoga treats the body much kinder. Yoga allows you to move at your own pace and increase or decrease the difficulty of situations based on your body needs.

  1. Yoga boosts self-confidence

Mastering new situations increases your self-confidence in physical skills and your ability to learn new things.

“Because this exercise builds strength and power in our bodies and minds, we feel more confident in ourselves and in our decisions,” says yoga instructor Jessica Rey. This exercise is a great reminder of how much stronger we are than we think, both physically and mentally.

As you engage in activities that are beneficial to your body and mind, your self-confidence also increases.

Benefits of Yoga for Fitness

  1. Yoga reduces stress

If you feel stressed about work or other issues, Jessica Rey recommends that you address your concerns through yoga. “Simple things like taking a few deep breaths can calm the mind and reduce your stress when you do yoga,” he says.

When you combine breathing with every movement, the muscles of the body begin to relax and the places where we keep our stress and tension begin to open. Do you have an important presentation coming soon? Spread your yoga mat and do a few yoga exercises or sit quietly and meditate while focusing on the in and out of each breath.

  1. Yoga teaches you to breathe again

Deep breathing It can calm you down and help you manage stress better. A large part of yoga focuses on breathing. “Yoga teaches you to breathe both when you are comfortable and when things are difficult,” says Laura.

It may sound silly, but when you are constantly on the move or in a stressful situation, you sometimes forget to breathe (at least constructively and usefully).

The deep and slow breathing techniques you learn in yoga can help you in stressful situations, when you may be breathing fast and shallow.

  1. Yoga can help heal joint pain

If you have arthritis, be motivated to do yoga. A 2011 study found that practicing yoga twice a week helps reduce swelling and softness in people with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

Gentle yoga movements are an ideal activity for those who suffer from these conditions and can also relieve painful symptoms, to make their lives easier.

If you have any of these conditions or any other joint problems, ask your doctor or yoga instructor about any changes you may need to make to your yoga posture.

  1. Yoga never gets boring

Yoga exercises It has countless options in the type and degree of difficulty. From بیکرام until the Ashtanga And between the two, there are different styles of yoga, and even within each type, the difficulty of each situation can be increased, and each yoga instructor performs his or her own style in class.

In Vinyasa yoga, for example, there are hundreds of postures and variations that can be combined with a 60- or 90-minute class. So you never do the same process twice. Are you tired of the treadmill? Are you bored of bodybuilding anymore? Maybe it’s time to go to yoga.

what do you think?

Why do you do yoga? What are some of the benefits you will find as you progress through your workout? What is the biggest obstacle that prevents you from doing yoga? What might motivate you to overcome your laziness? Share your goals and thoughts with us.

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