
What are the benefits of storing fruits and vegetables?

It seems Preservation of fruits and vegetables Should also be considered one of the skills of the age of speed and technology! Most of the time, bulk shopping to save time fits into our lifestyle. On the other hand, we should also think about keeping the purchased items, in which new and perishable things are given priority. We at orshid Blog will help you with this.

The main purpose in Preservation of fruits and vegetables, Thanksgiving is a blessing in disguise. The next goal that is achieved as a result of the main goal is to use them more and healthier for ourselves and our family members. In this article we will provide you with a variety of methods Keep fruits and vegetables at home We will introduce.

So if you are tired of moldy vegetables and moldy fruits and have decided to live more economically, if you have the question “how to keep fruits and vegetables fresh”, do not take your eyes off our words until the end of the page!

Buy fresh and consume carefree!

The first point in Preservation of fruits and vegetables, Freshly bought and freshly eaten. This is similar to the principle that “prevention is better than cure.” If your area is not far from the local shops selling these favorites, make one of your hobbies these fresh shopping.

In this type of shopping, you do not have to worry about maintenance and you save on your energy and the equipment used. Also, by consuming new items, you will benefit from more properties and the benefit-to-cost ratio will be close to 100%; Because refrigerators both reduce the properties of food.

The next point in eating fresh is to pay attention to the consumption of each fruit and vegetable in its own season. Most fruits and vegetables are good in the season in which they are grown. In fact, the goal of their growth, which is to benefit us, is achieved in the same season. So as far as possible, do not store food for seasons other than their own. Of course, this is less true for vegetables, and you can use them by drying in other seasons, depending on your mood and family.

Save the “face of extinction”!

If the main goal Preservation of fruits and vegetables Do not forget that extinctions are important to you. They are the fruits and vegetables that have stains or bruises, and by separating some of them, the rest of their healthy components can be used well. These tongues are usually cheaper than others and are thrown in non-impressive baskets. To thank them for their blessings, sometimes buy from them and even save one “on the verge of extinction” from the cycle of complete corruption!

How to keep fruits and vegetables fresh?

Let us now turn to the main question of this article; Meaning: How to keep fruits and vegetables fresh? If for some reason you usually buy in large quantities, Method Preservation of fruits and vegetables One of the skills you definitely need. Here are some ways to preserve these useful delicacies:

Drying or dehydration

Drying is one of the oldest and safest ways to preserve a large portion of vegetables and some fruits. Bacteria need water to survive, and dehydration helps the food to decompose later. Removing water also reduces the volume and weight of materials and makes them easier to maintain. Drying is something you have already done with mint, mint and dill.

You can use the sun, oven or dryer to dry. Vegetables such as mint, thyme, mint, etc. can be removed from the stem and spread on a cloth in the sun. Then wrap them in a cloth or paper bag, crush them and store them in closed jars. In summer, you can dry red and sweet peppers in the same way.

In the oven, you can dry things like apples, pears and banana slices or bell peppers and squash. At Preservation of fruits and vegetables This method consumes almost a lot of time and energy. You should also set the oven to the lowest temperature and be careful to adjust it so that the vegetables do not burn.

Dryer or dehumidifier is the third method of drying that is not recommended for beginners. The customers of these devices are usually those who have a business in the field of selling dried fruits and vegetables; Because its cost and storage space are not suitable for home use.

to freeze

Freeze vegetables and fruits

Freezing is one of the easiest ways to Preservation of fruits and vegetables Is. Just be careful to blanch the vegetables before freezing. Blanching is a process in which vegetables are first soaked in boiling water for a few minutes and then quickly poured into ice water. Blanching slows or stops the enzymes that lead to vegetable spoilage and preserves the color, taste and texture of vegetables. In the freezing process, the fruits do not need to be blanched.

To freeze vegetables, it is much better to let them dry after blanching. In this case, you will make sure that they do not turn into solid and large ice masses. Remember to write the name and date of freezing on each package before freezing. Fruits generally last up to a year and vegetables about 18 months.

Preparation of pickles

Yes! In addition to being a spice for many Iranian tablecloths, pickles are one of the methods Preservation of fruits and vegetables Are. It is your art to bring the vegetables in the corner of the refrigerator to the table in the form of pickles and return them to the consumption cycle. Pickles need two main ingredients: salt and vinegar. You can make two types of pickles. Fast refrigerated pickles and long-lasting pickles that have an extra stage of canning.

To make a quick pickle, just pour a mixture of water, salt and boiled vinegar on the cucumber or a mixture of your favorite vegetables and keep them from spoiling for about two months. After the pickles have cooled, put them in the refrigerator and consume them 48 hours later to taste. Adding vegetables such as thyme, dill, rosemary and your favorite spices will help make the pickle tastier.

Prepare jam

Prepare jam to preserve the fruit

Preservation of fruits and vegetables Making jam is one of the most delicious ways; Be really careful! Because when the members of the house taste the taste of homemade jam, they will not give up and will not be satisfied with industrial jams. There are different types of jams and in this regard, your hand is open. So you can cook jam with apples and carrots and make breakfast more enjoyable.


Take your favorite fruits and vegetables to a hot bath and keep them for up to a year. The canning process, by heating the food, weakens the decomposing enzymes and acts similar to the cooling and freezing process.

To do this, first put a few suitable jars in boiling water for a few minutes and so-called sterilize. Then put fruits or vegetables such as green peas and corn in a glass and pour water into them until they are full. Close the jars tightly, place them standing in a pot of boiling water and let them boil for 10 minutes.

Now carefully remove the jars and allow to cool. At this stage of Preservation of fruits and vegetables In the canning method, the glass must be concave and recessed. How the fruits are canned depends on your taste and you can add some sugar and rose water to them.

What can we do to keep fruits and vegetables fresh in the refrigerator?

Keep fruits and vegetables fresh in the refrigerator, Is one of the most important and sub-topics in the discussion of food preservation. Many materials are easily stored in the refrigerator; While some of them are better protected outside. The three principles of temperature, ethylene gas and air flow must be taken into account Preservation of fruits and vegetables consider.

Some ingredients, such as bananas, squash, and potatoes, stay healthy at room temperature and should not be refrigerated. These materials need air circulation and plastic bags are poisonous to them and help them to spoil. Let them breathe to last longer.

Some fruits, such as apples and bananas, automatically release ethylene gas, which accelerates the ripening and subsequent decay of ethylene-sensitive substances. At Preservation of fruits and vegetables You should pay attention to the fact that for example, do not put apples next to leafy vegetables, cabbage, lettuce and broccoli. In general, those that release ethylene gas, whether refrigerated or outside, should not be stored together with other foods without cover.

· garlic and onion

What can we do to keep fruits and vegetables fresh in the refrigerator?

These two precious substances should be stored out of the refrigerator and away from moisture. Try to keep them in a dark place away from potatoes. This is because the proper moisture content for potatoes is 85 to 90%, and onions and garlic start to germinate at 65 to 75% humidity. Air flow is also one of the requirements for keeping garlic and onions.

Rooted summer crops

Store tuberous and rooted summer plants with green leaves in plastic or closed containers in the refrigerator. Vegetables such as turnips, carrots, beets, ginger and radishes are long-term storage stars, and you can easily put them next to other fruits and vegetables. If you buy them with their roots and leaves, be sure to remove the roots before placing them in the refrigerator so that they do not absorb the moisture of the summer plants.

Cabbage and relatives

Cabbage and all its families are also resistant to storage. Put them in closed containers, and if they are not cut, you can put them in the refrigerator without a bag or container.


Vegetables in the discussion Preservation of fruits and vegetables They are one of the main challenges. For better protection, place them in sealed plastic bags without washing and refrigerate. Be aware that high humidity accelerates the decay of leafy vegetables. If you want to use them quickly after washing, you can wrap them in a clean cloth or paper towel. Also, for long-term storage, remove the rotten leaves and place the vegetables in closed containers.


Celery has a different level of work than the rest! It can stay crisp and fresh in a sealed bag for several weeks. You can even cut the stems into smaller pieces and store them in water and in containers.

Apples and pears

Put them in a plastic bag or closed container in the refrigerator. Apples love the cold and become sad and floury at room temperature. Then put it in the coldest part of the refrigerator. The plastic bag prevents the released ethylene gas from damaging the rest of the material; But pears are a little different. If the pears are unripe, place them in a paper bag or bowl and place at room temperature. When slightly softened, refrigerate and store for two to three weeks.


Citrus storage

At Preservation of fruits and vegetablesThere are different types of citrus. In general, you can keep them out of the refrigerator for up to a week. Oranges and grapefruits are not sensitive to ethylene gas and you can put them next to apples and pears; But be sure to separate the lemons and lemons from the ethylene producers.

Now we know how to keep fruits and vegetables fresh!

Finally for Preservation of fruits and vegetables, Do not forget the main goal, which is the sugar of blessings and their proper use. Bring all your efforts and training skills to this goal to get the best results.

When you go forward on this basis, for sure How to store fruits and vegetables You will even find “Anton Chekhov” grapes; Because the real seeker is the finder!

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