
What is Macchiato espresso and what are its properties?

What is Macchiato espresso and what are its properties? How to prepare Macchiato espresso. Macchiato espresso is an Italian coffee. This coffee is made from a combination of espresso and milk. Of course, latte and cappuccino are also made from a combination of milk and espresso. The important point in making different coffees is the ratio of milk and coffee. Macchiato espresso is smaller in volume than the coffees mentioned. This coffee is also served in a cup. In the continuation of this article, we are going to fully teach you how to prepare macchiato espresso. Then we will deal with its properties.

What is Macchiato Espresso?

Macchiato espresso is a combination of one or two shots of espresso and a very small amount of milk. Macchiato means stain in Italian. So the meaning of the word macchiato espresso is almost equivalent to espresso and milk thistle. In fact, if you want to balance the taste of coffee a little, you can taste espresso macchiato. Because unlike other coffees like latte, which have a lot of milk, you will still feel the taste of espresso well. History of Macchiato espresso is not fully available. But the originality of this drink definitely goes back to Italy.

What is Macchiato Espresso
What is Macchiato Espresso

History of Macchiato espresso

The name of this coffee contains the Italian word “macchiato” meaning a mark, stain or dot. In this case, the stain is a mark on the espresso. One explanation for the origin of the drink is that the barista needs to distinguish between plain espresso and milk espresso so that waiters can tell the difference. They mark coffee containing milk. Hence the word “macchiato” was used. Other reports on the origin of the name are that milk is a “stain” in espresso and that hot coffee drinks contain a stain of milk.
The Portuguese version of this espresso drink is called cafe pingado, which means coffee with drops. In Mexico it is also called Cortado, which can cause confusion. Because in other countries, a coffee drink, also called Cortado, has more milk than macchiato.

How to prepare Macchiato espresso

How to prepare Macchiato espresso is very easy to order. But to make it, you need a tool to make coffee with it. You can use mokapat and espresso machine to do this. Naturally, the coffee made from the espresso machine is much better. But mocapat also produces some good espresso. Follow the steps below to make macchiato espresso at home using an espresso machine.

How to prepare Macchiato espresso
How to prepare Macchiato espresso

Grind the coffee beans

Grind the coffee beans. The best espresso coffee is made from freshly ground coffee beans. For the freshest coffee possible, grind the beans directly in a portafilter. Note that you can also make ground coffee. The important thing is that the coffee beans are ground evenly.

Temp the coffee

At this point, you need to temper the coffee inside the portafilter. A tamper is a round, flat device that resembles a seal. This allows the filter to enter and exit the machine properly and maximize water-coffee contact. To do this, you need to put the temper on the coffee. Apply a little pressure and release with a slight twist.


Prepare the cup. Heat a small cup of espresso by pouring hot water into the cup. Make one or two shots of espresso. Gently pull the filter basket into the machine and turn the handle to lock it in place. Take the hot water out of the glass and place it under the portafilter. Depending on the design of the espresso machine, the key must be pressed to extract.

Prepare milk foam

At this stage, you have to heat the milk using the steam part of the espresso machine and prepare milk foam. The espresso machines have a steam nozzle, which you can release steam by placing it inside the milk coil. Fill one-third of your pan with whole milk (or almond milk, oatmeal or coconut milk) and place the nozzle in the center. Hold the nozzle under water until the milk is warm until the outside of the pitcher is warm and the right amount of foam is formed.

Add milk to espresso

Pour the milk from the pitcher into the cup. When you start pouring, the milk that comes out is hot but not too thick and frothy. Pour the milk into a separate glass or container until foamy. Pour the foam over the espresso and serve immediately.

The difference between espresso macchiato and latte macchiato

Espresso Macchiato and Latte Macchiato both have the suffix “Macchiato”. These drinks are both based on milk and coffee. But there are fundamental differences with each other, which we will discuss below.

Milk foam: A macchiato espresso contains a shot of espresso, a small amount of milk and milk foam. (Two-shot espresso macchiato is known as “doppio espresso macchiato”.)
Taste of espresso: Macchiato espresso has less milk than macchiato latte. So the taste of coffee is more intense.
Milk stain: Macchiato espresso has a white milk stain in the center of the brown cream. In latte macchiato, espresso is added as the last ingredient to this drink. But macchiato espresso has a milk stain on the coffee cream.
Cypress Cup: Baristas serve espresso macchiato in a cup of espresso and latte macchiato in a tall glass.

Properties of Macchiato espresso

Macchiato espresso has many properties. This drink has these properties due to having espresso. It should also be noted that milk is very low in calories. A cup of macchiato espresso can be very energizing. In the following, we will pay more attention to its properties.
Boosts memory

Drinking the right amount of espresso has been shown to increase long-term memory. Caffeine is a cognitive enhancer. This means that it can positively affect the functioning of your brain. It actually makes you pay more attention to a task and remember it better. Studies have also shown that caffeine may help improve the process of building memories after they are made.

Reduces the risk of disease

Coffee reduces the chances of getting various diseases. Coffee lovers are less likely to develop liver disease, certain types of cancer and dementia. Espresso in particular contains antioxidants that strengthen the immune system. Espresso shots can even reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. Especially for obese people. It is interesting to know that coffee can also prevent diabetes.

In one study, the risk of developing type 2 diabetes was 54 percent lower in men and 30 percent lower in women who drank several cups of coffee a day. Remember that while you can drink espresso as a preventative measure, do not drink it if you have high blood pressure or cholesterol. However, people who drink espresso for a long time may not experience these health benefits.

Helps to fit the weight

Caffeine increases your metabolism and helps reduce fat. Caffeine is found in many fat-burning supplements. This substance helps you to improve your endurance and strength while exercising. In addition, caffeine releases adrenaline and can add a new dose of energy to your fitness program. Espresso can also regulate food cravings and reduce calorie intake the next time you eat.

Improves the digestive system

Macchiato espresso prevents inflammation. This makes it an ideal option for dealing with indigestion. In fact, by stimulating the digestive process, the stomach relieves bloating.

Has anti-aging effects

According to some studies, caffeine can prevent the early onset of aging. The antioxidants in espresso can eliminate toxins that have accumulated in the liver. This in turn slows down the aging process. Drinking macchiato espresso may be helpful in better controlling age-related diseases. For example, coffee consumption was found to reduce the risk of major depression in middle-aged men.

If espresso is consumed in the right amount, it should clearly have several health benefits. In order to enjoy the positive effects of drinking this drink, you should also do physical exercise, healthy diet and other healthy lifestyle habits.

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