
What to eat before liver ultrasound?

Ultrasound is one of the methods to diagnose abdominal disease. Images of abdominal organs are taken with sound waves (not X-rays). Ultrasound first determines if there are stones in the gallbladder or if the ducts (tubes) in your liver or pancreas are enlarged.

Liver ultrasound

Liver ultrasound is very important. Because it monitors the blood flow to the liver inside the portal and the hepatic arteries. The hepatic arteries go to the heart before being emptied from the liver. Therefore, they play a vital role in the body, and this shows how important it is to examine and examine them. People suffering from cirrhosis, hepatitis and other liver diseases, or who have received blood tests that show an increase in certain enzymes inside the organ, should have a liver ultrasound. This test allows doctors to test the function of liver tissue.

Why is an abdominal ultrasound prescribed?

You may experience pain in the right side, indigestion, nausea or vomiting. In this case, your doctor may order an abdominal ultrasound. In addition to ultrasound, a blood test is also recommended. Because a blood test done during a routine physical exam shows how well your liver is doing.

What to eat before liver ultrasound?

You can not eat or drink anything for 8 to 10 hours before the test. If you eat, the gallbladder and ducts to help digest food become empty and are not easily seen during the test. If your test is scheduled for the morning, we recommend that you do not eat anything after midnight or the night before your test appointment. Medications may be taken in small sips of water. Therefore, for ultrasound of the liver, gallbladder, spleen and pancreas, you are generally asked to abstain from fatty foods one day before the test and fast for 12 hours.

Liver ultrasound

You may be asked to change into hospital clothes and lie down on the examination table. A warm gel is applied to your abdomen. This gel helps to optimize images. Images are seen on a computer screen during an ultrasound.

After liver ultrasound

You may be asked to wait while the images are being reviewed. There are no other restrictions and you can resume your normal diet after having an ultrasound.

What is a liver ultrasound?

Liver ultrasound results

The images are examined by a radiologist and the results are sent to your doctor. In the other case, you will receive the answer yourself and show it to your doctor. Of course, some doctors also have an ultrasound device in their article, which makes this very easy for the patient. Of course, you should know that by default the radiologist should not deliver the answer to the patient.

Time to receive liver ultrasound results

Waiting to get results can be stressful. It may take some time because radiologists must review the scan and report the findings in detail before informing you. You will receive liver ultrasound results within a maximum of two working days to two weeks.

Time to perform liver ultrasound

One of the most important questions in the mind of every patient is: How long does an ultrasound take? This is an easy, painless procedure, and on average a liver ultrasound should not take more than 30 minutes. That said, if more accurate screening is needed, it will take the same amount of time.

Steps of liver ultrasound

In the step-by-step guide below, you will find everything you need to do on a liver ultrasound.

  1. At the beginning of the examination, an anti-allergic, odorless, warm gel is gently spread on the abdomen.
  2. The sonographer who will perform the examination moves a transducer around the abdomen and chest area. The transducer takes pictures of the liver and organs around you and produces ultrasound images.
  3. During the examination, you will be asked to maintain a consistent breathing pattern and, in some cases, perform several different breathing techniques to capture the best images.
  4. You will be asked to lie down in different positions, and you may even have to stand during a normal liver ultrasound to get the best possible position for the image.
  5. After this, the radiologist may enter the room and talk to you about the results. If this call is not made immediately, you will receive written results at a later date.

Steps of liver ultrasound

What does a liver ultrasound show?

  • Health professionals are able to analyze any abnormalities that have occurred from a normal liver ultrasound. In addition, ultrasound can accurately determine the difference between cysts and solid masses. This is due to fluid-containing cysts with thin outer walls, which make their center appear darker on ultrasound than the liver. Both cysts and solid masses must be carefully evaluated.
  • Some liver diseases such as hepatitis, cirrhosis and fatty liver (steatosis) can be examined in full detail by liver ultrasound. For example, people with fatty liver show clearer features on fatty liver ultrasound. While people with hepatitis, the scan shows a darker color than usual. Cirrhotic livers appear small and massive.
  • Any fluid and dilated bile ducts in close proximity to the liver probably indicate a difference between normal and abnormal liver ultrasound findings.


In this article, we ask Snap Market “What to eat before liver ultrasoundWe answered. Note that if your doctor recommends a liver ultrasound, be sure to have enough information about the food and drink you eat beforehand. You should also know that most liver abnormalities will be detected by ultrasound.

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