
What are the foods rich in selenium?

Due to the Properties of selenium For the body, familiarity with Foods rich in selenium It is necessary. Selenium is an essential mineral for the body that contains antioxidants needed to prevent cell damage and prevent diseases such as Alzheimer’s and cancer. To ensure that we get enough selenium daily, get acquainted with Foods rich in selenium It is necessary.

How much selenium should we consume daily? Which fruits and vegetables contain selenium? What foods contain the most selenium? Properties of selenium What is it for the body? To answer these questions and get acquainted with foods containing selenium, read this article to the end.

What is Selenium?

Selenium is a trace element or nutrient that humans need to stay healthy. Properties of selenium It is necessary for the body and its existence for many body processes, including:

  • Reproduction
  • Thyroid function
  • DNA production
  • Protecting the body against free radicals (Free radicals are unstable cells and can increase the risk of diseases such as cancer).
  • Protect the body against infection

The amount of selenium people need depends on their age, and other factors such as pregnancy or breastfeeding may affect this amount. According to the recommendation of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), each person according to their age, to benefit from Properties of seleniumNeeds this amount of selenium daily:

  • Birth up to 6 months: 15 micrograms (mcg)
  • Infants 7 to 12 months: 20 micrograms
  • Children 1 to 3 years: 20 micrograms
  • Children 4 to 8 years: 30 micrograms
  • Children 9 to 13 years: 40 micrograms
  • Adolescents 14 to 18 years: 55 micrograms
  • Adults: 55 micrograms
  • Pregnant women: 60 micrograms
  • Lactating women: 70 micrograms

What are the properties of selenium?

Given that Properties of selenium It is very high for the body and selenium is an essential mineral for the body, meeting the daily need for selenium is essential. Although our bodies need small amounts of selenium daily, this substance plays a vital role in our body. Among the most important benefits and Properties of selenium The following can be mentioned:

The first properties of selenium: reduce the risk of chronic diseases

Selenium is a very powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants prevent cell damage caused by factors such as aging, lifestyle and environmental conditions such as pollution. Over time, this cell damage – or oxidative stress – can lead to cancer, heart disease and dementia.

Second properties of selenium: Thyroid health

The thyroid is a small gland that produces hormones to regulate the body’s metabolic processes. If the thyroid gland is not working properly – for example, it is malfunctioning – people may experience fatigue, weight gain, depression and muscle aches. Over time, such conditions can lead to chronic diseases. Selenium helps the thyroid function properly.

Third Properties of Selenium: Brain Health

one of the most important Properties of seleniumImproves brain health. Research shows that the antioxidant activity of selenium fights cell damage that may lead to neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and MS. Studies are ongoing to determine if the effects of selenium can help prevent or treat dementia; But in general, scientists believe that getting enough selenium through diet can help maintain healthy brain function.

What are the side effects of selenium deficiency?

What are the side effects of selenium deficiency?

Selenium is one of the most essential minerals for the body. As Properties of selenium It affects the health of the body, its deficiency will also cause problems. Among the most important side effects Selenium deficiencyThe following can be mentioned:

  • Infertility in men and women
  • Muscle weakness
  • Fatigue
  • Slowing down the functioning of the mind
  • hair loss
  • Weak immune system

The amount of selenium in food sources is largely determined by the quality of the soil used to grow them. Rainfall, evaporation and pH all affect soil selenium concentration. This causes Selenium deficiency It is more common in certain parts of the world.

What foods contain selenium?

Given that Properties of selenium It is innumerable for the body and this substance plays an important role in the health of the body, consumption Foods rich in selenium It is necessary. Of course, we should not overeat these foods, but to make sure we get enough selenium a day, get acquainted with vegetables, fruits and Foods rich in selenium It is not empty of grace.

In addition, given that taking selenium pills may lead us to Side effects of selenium tablets Suffer, consumption Foods rich in selenium Is preferred. If you like with Foods rich in selenium Familiarize yourself, we offer you the following options:

1. Foods rich in selenium: Fish

Sardines and trout contain 40-65 micrograms of selenium and can meet your body’s need for selenium. Oysters and crabs are other selenium-rich seafood. Fish is one of the richest foods in terms of selenium and can get rid of your body Properties of selenium Benefit.

2. Foods rich in selenium: Enriched foods

Some products, including pasta, whole wheat bread and whole grains, are fortified with selenium and other minerals. The amount of selenium in these products varies depending on the type, but you will usually get about 16 micrograms of selenium by eating a serving of noodles or cereals up to 40 micrograms and eating 2 slices of toast.

3. Foods rich in selenium: Beef

A piece of beef steak contains about 33 micrograms of selenium, which is about 28 micrograms for beef liver and about 18 micrograms for minced meat.

4. Foods rich in selenium: Turkey meat

Each 85 grams of turkey boneless meat contains 31 micrograms of selenium. For more selenium, you can eat a sandwich consisting of turkey meat and whole grain bread.

5. Foods rich in selenium: Chicken

Each 85 grams of white chicken provides approximately 25-22 grams of selenium to your body. Therefore, by eating a chicken meal, you can easily provide most of the selenium your body needs.

6. Foods rich in selenium: egg

A boiled egg contains 20 micrograms of selenium. Do not like boiled eggs? Do not worry. You can cook eggs in any way you like and your body will benefit from the selenium in it.

7. Foods rich in selenium: Brown rice

One cup of roasted coffee rice contains 19 micrograms of selenium and provides 27% of the selenium your body needs daily. You can eat brown rice with 85 grams of chicken or turkey to get 50 micrograms of selenium; That is, almost the entire recommended daily allowance for adults. You can also substitute rice for barley, each serving of barley (one-third cup) contains 23 micrograms of selenium.

8. Foods rich in selenium: sunflower seed

Sunflower seeds are rich in selenium

A quarter cup of sunflower seeds contains approximately 19 micrograms of selenium, making it a great snack. If you are a vegetarian and do not want to eat animal products, sunflower seeds are a great source of selenium.

9. Foods rich in selenium: Cooked beans

By eating a cup of cooked beans, in addition to getting plenty of fiber, you will also get 13 micrograms of selenium.

10. Foods rich in selenium: Mushrooms

Each 100 grams of mushrooms, along with important nutrients such as vitamin D and iron, contains 12 micrograms of selenium.

11. Foods rich in selenium: Oat

A cup of cooked oatmeal provides 13 micrograms of selenium to your body. You can eat oatmeal with 2 eggs for breakfast to get 53 micrograms of selenium.

12. Foods rich in selenium: Milk and yogurt

Each cup of milk and yogurt contains 8 micrograms of selenium and provides 11% of your daily needs. You can consume milk with fortified cereals to increase your body’s selenium intake.

13. Foods rich in selenium: Lentils

One cup of cooked lentils contains about 6 micrograms of selenium and is high in protein and fiber. Just add some lentils to chicken and mushroom soup to have a selenium-rich diet.

14. Foods rich in selenium: Indian Almond

Each 20 grams of roasted cashews contains 3 micrograms of selenium. Although this may not seem like much, if you are a vegetarian, you should not skip even the smallest source of selenium.

What are selenium plants?

What are selenium plants?

Most vegetables are low in selenium. Depending on the soil in which the plant grows, the amount of this mineral may vary in vegetables. Mushrooms are one of the best plant sources for selenium. One cup of cooked button mushrooms contains 19 micrograms of selenium and provides 35% of your daily selenium needs.

One cup of cooked pinto beans contains an average of 9 to 11 micrograms of this mineral and can rid your body of Properties of selenium Benefit. Cooked frozen spinach, in addition to high amounts of folic acid and vitamin C, contains 11 micrograms of selenium.

What fruits contain selenium?

As mentioned earlier, selenium is a mineral that acts as an antioxidant and protects cells from the damaging effects of free radicals. In previous sections we talked about vegetables and foods rich in selenium. Although fruits are not a good source of selenium, you will still get some selenium from a variety of fruits. This small amount should not be overlooked for people on a vegetarian diet.

One cup of chopped bananas provides 2 micrograms of selenium, or 3 percent of your recommended daily allowance. To get more selenium, you can add bananas to a smoothie, yogurt or oatmeal. In addition to bananas, mangoes can provide some selenium to your body. One cup of chopped mango has one microgram of selenium. You can also use mango to make a variety of smoothies and in combination with other protein-rich foods, maximize the amount of selenium you receive.

Eating one serving of avocado provides your body with 0.1 micrograms of selenium. This is 0.6 micrograms per cup of raw blackberries, while the same amount of selenium is 0.1 micrograms of fresh blueberries. An average orange also has about 0.7 micrograms of selenium.

White grapefruit has a relatively high selenium content compared to other fruits. Half a grapefruit contains 1.7 micrograms of selenium. One cup of red or green grapes, which is roughly equivalent to 30 grapes, provides 0.2 micrograms of this mineral for your body. An average kiwi also contains 0.2 micrograms of selenium.


Selenium is an essential substance for the body and its deficiency causes complications such as infertility. Meet Foods rich in selenium Helps ensure we get enough selenium daily. In the present article to introduce the types Foods rich in selenium We paid. By the way Selenium deficiency Have you encountered? What foods do you use to get rid of it?

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