
What is a normal IQ and what is a normal IQ?

Maybe you have seen in family or friendly gatherings that a child is picked up because of a high overall IQ; But does IQ really mean answering a few questions beyond age? at all Normal IQ What is and What is the normal IQ? How high is a person considered intelligent?

These questions are important; But not as much as Normal IQ You are not high, consider your future black. IQ test It shows you how much your mental ability is. In the continuation of this article, like other scientific articles of the orshid blog, we have fully explained about this psychological keyword and its dimensions.

What is IQ?

Before answering this question What is the normal intelligence quotient or normal IQ? We need to know what the word IQ means and when it was widely entered into the psychological literature.

Intelligence Quotient (IQ) is a standardized score that shows how much higher or lower a person is in terms of mental ability than their peer group.

How many scores is the IQ test?

IQ test has several scores

The term IQ was coined by psychologist William Stern. At that time, IQ was expressed as the ratio of mental age to calendar age multiplied by 100. The first modern intelligence test was created by Alfred Binet. Binet’s test included scientific questions as well as questions that required simple reasoning. It was from this moment that “IQ” was born as a scientific index and was defined as (mental age) / (calendar age).

What is the normal IQ?

If a 10-year-old has a mental age of 10, his IQ will be 100; But if the person’s mental age was higher than the calendar age, for example 12 instead of 10, the person’s IQ would be 120. Or if the person’s mental age is less than the calendar age, his IQ is less than 100. In general, the interval Normal IQ It is different at every age:

  • 16 to 17 years: 108
  • 18 to 19 years: 105
  • 20 to 24 years: 99
  • 24 to 34 years: 97
  • 35 to 44 years: 101
  • 45 to 54 years: 106
  • 55 to 64 years: 109
  • 65 to 69 years: 114
  • 70 to 74 years: 119

It may be interesting to know that the young years, when emotions prevail over logic and reason, Normal IQ It is not a high number; But after that, this number increases again. That’s why they say it’s never too late to start anything and learn anything! Maybe your genius will emerge in middle age.

Be sure to read: unique ways to improve intelligence and memory

The average IQ of Iranians and its place in the world

Many sources have mentioned that the average IQ in Iran is 84 and in the world ranking list with the level Normal IQ contract; If the internal research shows that this number is equal to 97. According to these explanations, in terms of IQ, Iran is considered a rich country in the world.

How do I know what my IQ is?

How do I know what my IQ is?

After answering the question What is the normal IQ?Let’s get to the introduction IQ test Valid to show your IQ; Therefore, you can do one of the following tests. Of course, it is recommended to be done in reputable centers under the supervision of a counselor or psychologist.

Wechsler Adult Intelligence Test

This test, known as WAIS, was designed by David Wechsler to assess cognitive ability in the 1950s. Since then, the test has been updated several times and is widely available today What is the normal IQ?is used.

Stanford Bennett Intelligence Test

This test, which is known by the abbreviation SBIS, is one of the ways to answer this question What is the normal IQ? Is your intelligence in this range? Its last version, SB5, was released in 2003. This assessment is divided into 10 subtests. Although the official Stanford-Binet test is not available online, there are several online IQ tests inspired by it.

Ebtekar Online Intelligence Test (BMI)

Ebtekar online intelligence test

If you speak well, you can take a free IQ test at Although there is a free trial IQ test on the site, there is also a more in-depth test available for $20. This test has only 20 questions and at the end of the IQ score, it provides an IQ certificate and a report of your positive and negative intellectual performance.

This test is generally considered as one of the most reliable online intelligence tests and to determine that What is the normal IQ?, will be practical; Because its results are comparable to the results of official IQ tests such as WAIS and Stanford-Binet.

Signs of high IQ that should be taken seriously in children

Do you think Isaac Newton’s mother knew that her son with an IQ of 192 was among only one percent of the world’s population with an IQ higher than 136? Did he even guess that Newton would become one of the most influential scientists of all time?

Probably not; Because his mother took him out of school in his early teenage years in the hope that he would become a farmer like his late father and guessed that he would have average intelligence; Or even lower! But according to scientific findings, “high IQ” has signs that parents can look for in their child’s behavior.

1. Excellent memory is the main sign of high IQ

Excellent memory is a sign of higher IQ for children compared to Normal IQ Is. Of course, memory is not only related to learning (from kindergarten to university); It is also related to making decisions about daily activities according to mental data. It may be interesting to know that studies show that children with good memories are also better at lying!

2. Reading skills


The role of study for the mind is the same as the role of exercise for the body. On average, highly intelligent children begin sight-reading before the age of four; While most children approach this milestone at the age of six or seven.

3. Excessive curiosity

Curiosity is as important as intelligence and having a curious mind is a good indicator for success in work, education and learning new skills. Children who ask a lot of questions show an innate desire to learn. Also, their IQ is higher than Normal IQ Is.

4. Sense of humor

Abraham Lincoln, one of the famous American presidents, had a high IQ. There are many articles about Abraham Lincoln’s wit and quick wit. When accused of being two-faced in a presidential debate, he replied: “Honestly, if I were two-faced, would I show you this one?” Your child’s sense of humor should not disappoint you. These pranks can be a great sign for you.

5. High ability to learn music

Researchers believe that music education affects the brain and develops the ability to think creatively. Even if you think your child Normal IQ has no talent in music, you should still expose him to music. Studies show that there is a connection between musicality of the mind and intelligence.

6. Ambition in defining standards

Smart kids and successful adults tend to set high expectations and standards for themselves in work and school. People above Normal IQThey have an instinctive need to perform better in areas that are important to them. This motivation helps them learn new skills quickly. Focusing too much on areas of interest and setting ambitious goals can also be a sign of high IQ.

7. Children’s talkativeness and talking to adults

Gifted people are often described as “little adults”; Because the desire to know more about current events makes them chat with adults. A very smart child may be the one who talks to adults at birthday parties instead of playing with other kids. Enjoying conversation and talking about different topics is also a sign of high intelligence of children.

Even if your child doesn’t currently show some of these signs of high IQ, you don’t need to constantly force him into an IQ bracket. He could be a genius who will blossom in the future. Don’t forget that upbringing has a lot to do with his abilities and chances of success in the future.

Gladwell writes in a book: “We all know that successful people come from resilient seeds; But has enough sunlight reached the seed of all of us? Is the soil in which we have roots good?”

Be sure to read: Foods useful for memory

IQ of world famous people and some celebrities

In the following, we prepared a list of IQ scores of famous personalities from different subjects and courses. Look at their IQ. Of course, you may be shocked to see the number in front of the name of some of these people!

  • Albert Einstein, physicist: 160
  • Leonardo da Vinci painter: 220
  • Abraham Lincoln politician: 148
  • Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft: 160
  • Russian chess player Garry Kasparov: 190
  • Hollywood actor Brad Pitt: 126
  • Shaquille O’Neal, basketball player: 101
  • Hollywood actress Natalie Portman: 140
  • Rowan Atkinson as Masterbin: 178

To better understand these numbers, it is better to know that World average IQ And most of the world’s population is between 91 and 100. Many of these people are successful in education and work, and there is no need to have a number higher than Normal IQ Have.

Who has the highest IQ in the world?


Marilyn Vos Savant has one of the highest IQs in the world, 228. His name is recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records for high intelligence. Marilyn was born on August 11, 1946 in St. Louis, USA. Apart from being famous for his IQ, he is an American magazine author, lecturer and playwright. She is also married to Robert Jarvik, the inventor of the world’s first artificial heart.

Interesting points about normal IQ

  • Along with mental ability or IQ, the EQ factor or emotional intelligence has also become important these days.
  • Do not separate the child with high IQ from his peers and let social interactions and happiness flow in his life.
  • Do not occupy your mind with the question that What is the normal IQ? And do you have a high IQ or not? It complements intelligence, effort and self-improvement. A large population in the world has as much IQ as you, what matters is how persistent you are.

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