
What is the difference between toner and Mislar Water + how to use

You may be confused and ask yourself when you see bloggers’ skin routines and the materials they apply to their face. What is the difference between toner and micellar water?? What exactly are these? When we were kids, there was no skin routine, and the end result was that with the same soap that washed the whole body, washed the face thoroughly, dried it, and if we were very modern and luxurious, one of the great creams of the family. They hit us in the face.Today, the issue is different, and after washing your face, you should do other things to clean your skin thoroughly and not find pimples. In the following, you will become more familiar with toner and meslar water and you will understand that What is the difference between toner and micellar water; You will also understand the difference between washing gel and toner.

What is Mislar Water?

Micellar Water is a combination of water and oil that removes all impurities such as makeup or oil from your skin; This means that, as the name of this product suggests, an oil called Micellar floats in water or water, and removes even the most stubborn makeup. Well, you must be asking that it is the same washing gel! Not; We will explain more in the following.

The benefits of using Micellar Water can be named as follows:

  • Cleanses impurities and skin oil without drying the face
  • Increases skin permeability (ie toner, moisturizer or moisturizer you use after Micellar Water penetrates deep into your skin and is highly effective).
  • Suitable for dry and sensitive skin due to the hydration of Micellar Water
  • Hydrates the skin due to its moisturizing compounds such as glycerin
  • Easy to use (for times when you can not wash your face – such as traveling)

What is toner and how to use it

After cleansing the face, it is time to use toner. Washing your face may dry out the skin; In such cases, the toner adjusts the pH level of the face. what does it mean? If we consider the pH to be between zero and 14, the skin is normally somewhere between 5 and 6. When you use detergents, this pH goes up and this is where our hero, Toner, comes into play.

The toner shrinks pores, kills dead skin cells, and hydrates the skin. In a word: the toner removes the small impurities left on the face. This is why when you apply the toner pad on your washed face, the pad turns black again! The benefits of toner can be summarized as follows:

  • Shrink skin pores
  • Adjust skin pH
  • Creating a protective layer on the skin
  • Rejuvenate the skin

How to use Micellar Water and Toner

Now that you know Difference What is toner and micellar water?, It’s time to learn how to use them. You can use Micellar Water both for cleansing makeup and for skin routine. In general, removing makeup can be in the following order:

  1. Before doing anything, clean your face makeup with Micellar Water. Dip a lint-free cleansing makeup pad into Micellar Water and apply gently on face. To clear the eyes, press the pad on the eye for a few seconds.
  2. If you have heavy makeup, it is better to wash your face with washing gel after using Micellar Water. But if you use light sunscreen, this step is not necessary.
  3. Dip a lint-free makeup pad into the toner and gently rub it on your face.
  4. Apply a good moisturizer or moisturizer to your skin type.

Remember that Micellar Water also plays an important role in skin routine and can be used.

The difference between toner and micellar water

Some may answer the question Difference What is toner and micellar water?, Say these two are no different; In these cases, do not doubt that one job is wrong and the other party is wrong. Micellar Water is used to remove makeup and skin impurities; But the toner regulates the pH of the skin. So the most important Difference What is Toner and Micellar Water? One is their function and the other is that toner is used after Micellar Water.

The difference between washing gel and Mislar Water

The difference between washing gel and Mislar Water

So far you know Difference What is toner and micellar water? But is it except that Michelle Water cleanses the face of makeup and impurities? So what is a washing gel and what does it do? Mislar Water is water based. That is, it is made from a combination of purified water, hydrating compounds such as glycerin, and a small amount of micellar oil. Micellar Water is made in a way that does not require rinsing and hydrates the skin. Of course, we mean quality Mislar Waters.

The washing gel does not have a water base and there is no oil in it. Washing gels have stronger ingredients that cleanse heavy makeup well; But on the other hand, they cause dry skin, which of course is compensated by toners and moisturizers.

The difference between toner and washing gel

You have probably reached the answer to this question by now; Because you know that Difference What is toner and micellar water? And what is the difference between washing gel and Micellar Water? But let’s make things a little clearer. The cleansing gel cleanses the face of impurities and makeup, and when thoroughly cleansed, the skin toner adjusts the pH of the skin and removes the smallest impurities. So the difference between toner and washing gel is in two cases: one is cleansing and the other is in the order of using them.

Types of Micellar Water

It is not enough to know Difference What is toner and micellar water; More important is the right choice of products. Micellar waters and toners vary according to the skin type of the individual. Normal-skin is velvety, with no acne and even in color Sensitive skins, for example, should use odorless products that do not require the pad to be applied repeatedly to the skin.

Micellar Water is better or toner

Micellar Water is better or toner

To be honest, we really can not say that Micellar Water is better or toner. These two products have different functions; But if you have only one choice, you can choose Michelin Water. In any case, do not expect Micellar Water, like toner, to meet the needs of oily skin alone. Micellar water affects the pH of the skin to some extent. But again, these would mean that you have to spend for these processes. Just remember that the products are compatible with your skin.

Another important point, toner can not clean your makeup. So please use Micellar Water or cleansing gel and deliver clean and tidy skin toner to do the final job and give you fresh skin.

Now we know what the difference is between toner and micellar water

Congratulations; You know now Difference What is toner and micellar water?, How to use them and what is the difference with washing gel. Micellar Water thoroughly cleanses the skin, adjusts its pH toner, and finally removes impurities. So it is natural to use Micellar Water first and then it is time to use toner.

Now that you know the difference between these skin cleansers, tell me, have you ever had a bad experience using these products? What is your skin routine like? From your own point of view, is there any other difference between these products? Write in the comments.

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