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10 benefits of aerobic exercise + introduction of styles

Everyone knows that having a healthy lifestyle and body depends on a balanced diet, adequate sleep and exercise. Although each sport activity has its own benefits; Many experts believe that aerobic sports Are the best exercise for body health.But what is aerobic exercise? types of aerobic sports Which ones? Benefits of aerobic exercise What is for the health of the body? Follow us to the end of this article to answer such questions and learn more about aerobic activity.

What is aerobic exercise?

aerobic sports Also called cardio or aerobics, it is a sport in which blood is pumped throughout your body and your lungs receive more oxygen. The name of this exercise suggests that these activities increase the oxygen supply to the muscles.

The oxygen in the muscles helps them move and gives your muscles the power to exercise. In addition to oxygen, your body gets this energy – the energy of activity and exercise – from stored carbohydrates, proteins and fats. In the process of doing aerobic activity, your cardiovascular system and muscles work together so that your body can do continuous activity for at least 30 minutes.

What are the benefits of aerobic exercise?

Experts recommend at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week. If you are wondering what the reason for this recommendation is, read the following section carefully to Benefits of aerobic exercise Learn more about the body:

1. Improve cardiovascular health

Many physicians recommend that people with cardiovascular disease or people at risk for Benefits of aerobic exercise Take advantage. Aerobic exercise helps lower blood pressure and keeps your arteries clean by raising HDL cholesterol and lowering LDL cholesterol levels. If you are looking to lower your blood pressure and cholesterol, do moderate to vigorous aerobic activity 3-4 times a week for 40 minutes.

2. Lower blood pressure

one of the most important Benefits of aerobic exercise It helps to improve the symptoms of high blood pressure. If you want to balance your blood pressure without medication, do not neglect aerobic exercise.

3. Regulate blood sugar

Regular physical activity helps regulate insulin levels and lower blood sugar, and is effective in weight control. In a study of people with type 2 diabetes, researchers found that any form of activity, aerobic or anaerobic, could help regulate blood sugar. From Benefits of aerobic exercise Do not neglect to improve diabetes and blood sugar.

4. Reduce chronic pain

If you have chronic low back pain, do it aerobic sports, Especially activities such as swimming or aerobics in the water, help you improve the function and endurance of the back muscles. Aerobic exercise also helps to lose weight, which in turn greatly reduces chronic low back pain.

5. Improve nighttime sleep

If you have trouble sleeping at night, do not neglect aerobic exercise during the day. Another important benefit aerobic sports, Improve sleep quality. Note that exercising immediately before bedtime can make it harder to fall asleep. Try to finish your workout at least 2 hours before bedtime.

6. Weight loss

You have certainly heard that diet and exercise are the basis of weight loss. But aerobic sports They alone have the power to help you lose and stabilize your weight. If you want to lose some weight, from Benefits of aerobic exercise For weight loss Make the most of it.

7. Strengthen the immune system

Studies have shown that sedentary lifestyle weakens the immune system; At the same time, regular exercise increases the body’s secretion of certain antibodies called immunoglobulins. Furthermore, aerobic sports They are also effective in lowering cortisol levels.

8. Improve brain function

Did you know that after the age of 30, the brain begins to lose tissue? Researchers have found that aerobic sports They slow down this process and improve brain function.

9. Improve your mood

Mobility can improve your mood. A study of people with depression found that depressive symptoms were reduced in people who exercised for 30 minutes for 10 consecutive days. To see Benefits of aerobic exercise You do not have to wait long to improve your mood; Even an exercise session will have an impact.

10. Cost-effective and available

Aerobic activities do not require fancy equipment or club membership. This is probably the biggest Benefits of aerobic exercise Come to the account. Walking is one of the most effective, simplest and cheapest aerobic activities.

What are the types of aerobic exercise?

A variety of aerobic exercises

One of the most important benefits aerobic sports It has different types and depending on your circumstances and interests, you can find a sport that you like. In fact, any activity that raises your heart rate and speeds up your breathing is an example of aerobic sports Is; In particular, activities that are performed continuously and for a longer period of time.

Some examples of aerobic exercise that are very effective are:

  • Run
  • cycling
  • Swimming
  • walking
  • skating
  • Treadmill
  • Climbing stairs
  • Boating
  • Dance
  • Ski
  • Roping
  • Doing sports such as basketball, football, hockey, volleyball and…

What is the difference between aerobic and anaerobic activity?

Anaerobic activity refers to exercises such as weightlifting that are very intense and use rapid movements to increase muscle strength. These types of activities do not use oxygen as an energy source.

Aeronautical exercises use the energy stored in your muscles and are usually done every 10-15 seconds. These exercises help burn fat, increase muscle mass and strengthen bones. For fitness you can side by side aerobic sportsDo anaerobic exercises as well.

Which aerobic exercise is more beneficial for weight loss?

Losing weight is not as easy as it sounds. There are no magic pills and you can lose weight with just one recipe: you need to burn more calories than you get. This process involves having a healthy diet and doing aerobic sports And is a power. Here are three aerobic activities that have a great effect on weight loss:

1. Low intensity cardio

You do not need to exercise hard to lose weight. If you are a beginner or experiencing physical limitations, low-intensity aerobic exercise can also help you burn calories and lose weight. These exercises include running, cycling, walking, swimming and aerobics. Start with a low intensity, then work your way up and then gradually increase the intensity.

2. Rope

Roping not only improves body coordination and mind function, but the intensity of the exercise boosts your heart rate and helps you burn about 1,300 calories per hour. To rope, first warm up with 8 to 10 jumps. Then pull the rope continuously for 1.5 minutes. After 15-30 seconds of rest, repeat the rope. Repeat this procedure for 3 sets.

3. Intense Interval Exercises (HIIT)

This aerobic exercise has become more popular because of its ability to maximize calorie burning and reduce fat. HIIT includes strenuous exercise to increase heart rate followed by 15 seconds of rest. If you’re busy, HIIT is great for you; You can exercise for a shorter period of time, while doing more intense and harder exercises. After doing these exercises, your body will continue to burn calories for hours.

Is it possible to do aerobic exercise at home?

Do aerobic exercise at home

If you ask if it is possible Aerobic exercise at home Whether there is or not, the answer to this question is fortunately yes. Some of the aerobic sports You can easily and without the need for special equipment at home and from Benefits of Aerobic Exercise Benefit for health. Including the simplest Aerobic exercise at home The following can be mentioned:

  • Roping
  • Dance
  • Climbing the stairs
  • Scott Jack
  • Burpee
  • Raise the knee
  • Flutterkick
  • Spiral movement
  • Boxing Jumps

Concluding remarks

Aerobic exercise is one of the activities that brings countless benefits to our health. Helping with fitness and weight loss is one of the most important of these. In the present article about aerobic activities and Benefits of aerobic exercise We talked about the body and introduced you to some aerobic exercises that are useful for losing weight. Now, how much do you care about sports? aerobic sports Do you prefer strength training or strength training?

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