
The effect of in situ injection for slimming and fitness

In bad winter weather, sometimes it becomes difficult to go to the gym. But icy streets and snow-covered driveways shouldn’t stop you from doing your daily cardio. According to research from the American College of Sports Medicine, the average adult needs at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio activity per week to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Although running in sub-zero temperatures can be very unfair (and even dangerous), but running in place, is a convenient alternative that requires no equipment and you can do it at home. Jogging in place may seem silly to some, but it will get your heart rate up and help you burn calories during the harshest winter weather.

Advantages of in situ casting

Running in place doesn’t require extra exercise equipment, and can be done in the temperature-controlled confines of your living room. This easy exercise raises your heart rate to burn fat regularly. It can also complement additional exercises such as swimming and planking to form a complete workout.

You don’t have to be a fitness expert to jog. Find a suitable place in your home and make sure you have enough space to lift your knees frequently. Run in place for 5 to 10 minutes and then rest for 60 seconds. To achieve a normal cardio output, do three sets of jogging in place.

How many calories do you burn on the spot?

According to the information provided on the Myoclinic website, low-impact aerobic exercises such as running on the spota 72 kg person burns about 183 calories in 30 minutes.

Although this number of calories burned may not seem significant, it is much better than allowing yourself to become completely sedentary.

You can increase the intensity of your workout by incorporating other bodyweight exercises that have the potential to increase total calories burned by nearly 50%.

Exercise in place of running

It’s totally possible to do a full cardio-focused home workout, even if you don’t think so! To perform a 30-minute high-intensity training session that focuses on running in situ, first stretch for 5 minutes to loosen the muscles and tendons of the legs. Use a stopwatch to track your progress and run in place for 5 minutes.

After the first part of your run, lie on your stomach and do a set of 20 to 30 swiss strokes, followed by a 30-second plank. Rest for one minute and then run on the spot for another 5 minutes. Then do 15 to 20 squats with body weight and then perform the butterfly movement for 30 seconds. Rest for a minute and repeat this cycle. This relatively simple exercise for 30 minutes in a 72 kg person will burn nearly 270 calories and works on the abdominal and leg muscles.

Tips for success

You may find that it’s much harder to maintain a regular exercise routine when you limit yourself to home workouts. Track your progress and stick to your workout plan with the help of a notebook. Remember to drink at least 6 to 10 glasses of water every day and eat a healthy diet rich in vitamins and proteins. Exercise at least three times a week to see results over time.

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