
Care before and after arthroscopic knee surgery

Arthroscopy is a new method, which is used both as a diagnostic test and as a very effective treatment method. This surgery has become very popular today, and is considered the best alternative to open and invasive surgeries.

This operation usually has a very short recovery period, and the patient will not experience any complications after it. At Arthroscopy operation AFirst, the doctor uses an anesthetic, or the patient may even be under complete anesthesia, so that he does not feel any pain.

After numbing the knee area, the doctor makes several very small holes in the skin of this area. Then a small camera is inserted into the knee structure through these holes. Then, with the images that the camera sends to the monitor, the doctor can properly diagnose the complications and problems of this part.

Then the doctor’s arthroscopic surgery will be done through the same small holes, it will completely solve the problems created in the knee area and the knee will be stitched again. This procedure takes between one and two hours.

Now that we are familiar with the process of this surgery, we want to examine the necessary care before and after this operation. In general, the patient should take some precautions before and after this surgery.

These measures usually help to make the surgical process more successful, and the recovery period is shorter after the operation, and possible complications are avoided. In the following, we have mentioned the necessary care before and after arthroscopic surgery:

Necessary care before surgery

  • First of all, if you are taking a certain medicine, be sure to discuss this issue with your doctor. Your doctor may ask you to stop taking your medication for a while. Especially if you are using blood thinners, it is absolutely necessary to stop them.
  • It is better to avoid eating and drinking a lot of water 6 to 12 hours before this surgery. Even if you have to drink water to take the medicine, use the least amount of water.
  • One week before the arthroscopic surgery, it is better to avoid smoking. So, if you use cigarettes or any other drugs, you should avoid using them before the surgery.
  • The last meal you ate should be very light. For example, eating soup or salad in the last meal will definitely be the most ideal choice.

Necessary care after surgery

Taking care of wounds

First of all, as you know, to perform this surgery, holes are created on the skin, which later turn into wounds. After the operation, to take care of this part, avoid doing any sports or heavy activities that cause pressure on the knee. Also, two to three weeks after the surgery, visit the medical center to remove the stitches.

Dressing change

Although the wound and incision site in knee arthroscopy surgery is very small, some purulent secretions or even a small amount of blood may come out from this part. For this reason, it is necessary to change the dressing of the surgical site regularly two weeks after the operation. Because if the dressing is not changed constantly, bacteria may accumulate in the surgical area and cause infection.


Another important care after arthroscopic knee surgery is proper nutrition. As you know, the knee joint will need some useful food and minerals for faster healing of bones, ligaments, etc. and also faster healing of wounds. For this reason, after surgery, you should eat foods rich in calcium and protein as much as possible. Also, drinking a lot of water after this surgery can be very useful. Because with the consumption of liquids, the frequency of urination usually increases. As a result, toxins caused by knee surgery and injuries are eliminated from the body faster through urine.

Taking medicines

After surgery Knee arthroscopy Usually, the doctor will prescribe you various medicines. These drugs should be taken completely and you should never stop taking them arbitrarily. Usually, after this surgery, patients may feel slight pain in the knee area for a few days. This pain usually resolves on its own after two weeks; But to relieve it, the doctor will prescribe some painkillers for you. In addition, because the surgical area is susceptible to infection, the patient must take antibiotics for at least 15 days after the operation.

Avoid driving

Usually, people will not be allowed to drive after this surgery. Because by performing arthroscopic surgery, the knee is usually in a very sensitive position, and driving can put a lot of pressure on this area. Of course, after 15 days to one month after the surgery, the patient can start driving and gradually return to his normal routine. But long-term driving is not recommended at all, and a doctor must be consulted before starting this work.

Using the toilet

Using Iranian toilets after performing this procedure can put a lot of pressure on the knee. For this reason, it is better to use the toilet for one month after surgery.

Walking exercise

One week after arthroscopic surgery, it is better to practice walking little by little. Of course, in the early days, you can also walk with the help of a walker and cane. But it is better to practice walking and moving without crutches, so that your knee strength increases over time and you can return to your normal daily life.

Where to perform arthroscopic surgery?

This is usually the first question that comes to most people’s minds. Because usually, choosing an experienced surgeon and associate and a reputable treatment center can often be very time-consuming, and various criteria should be considered in this regard.

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