
Do you know how to make homemade carpet shampoo?

Regular vacuuming is the best way to prevent the carpet from getting dirty; But sometimes carpets need to be cleaned more deeply. using Homemade carpet shampoo In many cases, it is as effective and efficient as chemical carpet shampoo; But unlike chemical detergents, household detergents are compatible with the environment. In this article, first, the benefits of using Homemade carpet shampoo We describe, then the methods Making homemade carpet shampoo We express

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Why wash the carpet with Homemade carpet shampoo It’s better?

It is true that using chemical shampoos is easy; But the benefits of using Homemade carpet shampoo It’s so much worth the trouble. In this section, we mention the reasons for using these handmade detergents.

Save money

We all know that since the beginning of 1401, the price of detergents has increased several times (as if this cycle is unstoppable!); Therefore, use the materials available at home to build Homemade carpet shampoo It is very affordable. The materials needed to make homemade detergents are available in most homes.

Can be used for all types of carpets

Some commercial detergents contain bleaching agents. If your carpet is an expensive and special carpet, the chemical carpet shampoo may damage its color composition and ruin the effect of the carpet; But you can on Homemade carpet shampoo Swear that it’s bleach-free and feel free to use to remove stains.

Free of harmful chemicals

Commercial detergents contain a lot of chemical compounds, and on the other hand, the carpet is something that your beloved child sits on, walks, lies down and plays on. The remaining harmful chemical substances in the taropod of the carpet may be a risk to your child’s health; But you compounds Homemade carpet shampoo You know it and you are sure of its health.


People who suffer from respiratory allergies and asthma should be very careful when using detergent. Products that use volatile organic compounds are highly irritating to respiratory problems and cause allergies; But to build Homemade carpet shampoo Safe and non-hazardous ingredients are used.

How Homemade carpet shampoo make it?

How to make homemade carpet shampoo

Before How to prepare homemade carpet shampoo to explain, it is necessary to note a point; Before use, Homemade carpet shampoo Be sure to try it on a point of the carpet that cannot be seen so that you can rest assured that it will not be damaged.

At the same time, in order to get better results in using any type of carpet shampoo, it is necessary to vacuum the carpet well first, and it is also better to clean it immediately after the carpet is stained so that the result is acceptable.

Cleaning the carpet with vinegar and baking soda

One of the most efficient ways to build Homemade carpet shampoo, It is a combination of baking soda and vinegar. Baking soda is an alkaline substance; When combined with vinegar, which has acidic properties, it produces a harmless oxygen gas that helps remove stains. To clean the carpet, sprinkle baking soda on the carpet stains; Be careful to cover the entire stain with baking soda.

Pour about a tablespoon of vinegar on baking soda; If the stain is large, slowly add more vinegar. Add enough vinegar to release oxygen gas; No more is needed. fall on the carpet with a brush and sweep it; But do not overdo it in sanding the carpet.

Leave the carpet and the stain alone for 4 to 6 hours so that the baking soda and vinegar and the carpet are absorbed together. Then step into the scene with a vacuum cleaner and sweep away the remaining baking soda. At the last stage, take a look at the carpet and tell yourself that you are sick!

Homemade carpet shampoo One hundred percent healthy

Put two cups of water, one cup of white vinegar and two tablespoons of salt in a bowl and mix well. If you like, you can use a few drops of lemon or any other essential oil. Salt, when combined with vinegar, becomes a powerful cleaner. Spray the solution on the stain and wait a few minutes. Next, go to the carpet with a brush. In the last step, let the carpet dry; Then finish by vacuuming.

Homemade carpet shampoo For light colored carpets

Homemade carpet shampoo for light colored carpets

Mix 350 ml of water with 60 ml of hydrogen peroxide in a container and shake it well. If you want, you can use a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Hydrogen peroxide is a very suitable alternative to dangerous bleaches such as chlorine.

Spray the solution onto the stain. Wait a little and then rub the stain with a soft brush. In the last step, put a damp cloth on the carpet. This solution works wonders to remove the blood stain. If you add a little lemon to it, it will get rid of the fats and appear as an essential oil.

Homemade carpet shampoo For colored carpets

To remove stains from colored carpets, if the stain is wet, start the cleaning process with a cloth. Start from the outer parts and move towards the spots; This is to prevent the stain from spreading.

Next, sprinkle a lot of salt on it. Wait five minutes. Pour some cold water on the stain and salt and rub it. pour some cold water on the stain again; Then wipe the water and salt on the carpet with a clean cloth and watch your clean carpet.

Homemade carpet shampoo Not so safe for very stubborn stains

Pour 60 ml of ammonia, 60 ml of vinegar, 1200 ml of water and a tablespoon of dishwashing liquid into a container and stir (ammonia is poisonous. When using it, wear goggles, a mask and gloves and open all windows for ventilation) . Spray the solution on the stain. Then wipe the stain with a cloth and dry the carpet with a clean towel at the last step.

Deodorizing the carpet by sprinkling baking soda on the carpet

If the stain on the carpet is a smelly stain, after cleaning the stain with carpet shampoo, your carpet may still smell bad. To deodorize carpets, baking soda is the cheapest and most natural deodorizer. The great advantage of baking soda compared to other deodorants is its solidity; Therefore, you can rest assured that no mold or fungus will find a place in your carpet because of the humidity. Follow the steps below to deodorize carpets:

  • Remove the furniture on the carpet so that you can access all parts of the carpet.
  • Vacuum the carpet to clean the surface.
  • sprinkle baking soda on the carpet; If the carpet piles are long, rub baking soda on the carpet by hand.
  • Wait a few hours for the baking soda to do its job; If it stays overnight until the morning, the light of Ali will become light!
  • In the last step, remove the baking soda from the surface of the carpet with a vacuum cleaner.

If the bad smell of the carpet is very strong, it is necessary to repeat this process two or more times for a satisfactory result.

final word

made Homemade carpet shampoo it’s not hard; You can easily replace it with chemical shampoos. With this, you can save your life costs, be sure of its safety, and prevent the entry of chemical compounds into the environment. Try it once; The result will surprise you.

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