
8 reasons for puff cake to sleep + solution to increase puff

Think of a cool afternoon when you have a birthday coming up and unfortunately, after hours of effort, you are faced with a deflated cake. You don’t have to pick up a magnifying glass and look like a detective The reason why puff cake sleeps Be. Do not look for an external cause at all! During baking or after, some tips were not followed which caused the puff in the center of the cake to sink and make it misshapen.Reasons for sleeping puff cake Sometimes it is so small that Fut and fan puff cake It is considered and requires high experience in this field. Nevertheless, in the continuation of this article from the orshid blog, we are going to examine the reasons for this, so that from now on you can cook sponge cakes with a light texture for your party.

What are the reasons for sleeping puff cake?

Puff sitting is one of the problems that we face when baking a cake due to not following the small points mentioned in this tutorial. If you follow the tips of this article carefully, your cake will not lose its puffiness.

1. Low oven temperature, the main killer of puff cakes

The low temperature of the oven is the main culprit for depriving you of a Sponge cake with a lot of fluff Is; So try to choose the right temperature for the cake and know that the temperature of each cake is different from another cake. It is better to prevent this from happening, Use recipes that specify the exact temperature.

2. Taking the cake out of the oven before baking or cooking too long

The baking time of each cake is different as well as the temperature required. In fact, being raw or overcooked, from Reasons for sleeping puff cake Is. You should judge the baking of the cake by its appearance; The golden color of the top is a sign of cooking.

You can also stick a wooden skewer or skewer in several places of the cake and if it doesn’t stick to it, the cake is ready. If the cake is not fully baked and you turn off the oven, the puff pastry will decrease drastically. If you open the oven door before baking the cake, the puff will decrease.

3. Using a lot of sugar

You should be careful about the amount of sugar used for the cake and use it according to the instructions. Using a lot of sugar makes the mixture sticky The reason why puff cake sleeps that’s it. You should also keep in mind that consuming too much sugar is not good for the health of the body.

4. Shaking the cake while baking

If you don’t have enough patience to bake a cake and you have a habit of constantly turning the container in the oven, it is better to skip this task. Shaking the cake while baking is one of the most important Reasons for sleeping puff cake is considered.

5. Using extra baking powder

Get rid of the idea that the more baking soda or baking powder you use, the more puffy the cake will be. In most recipes, a teaspoon of baking powder is enough. Using more than this amount, The reason why puff cake sleeps Is.

6. Unsuitability of cake ingredients

The cause of cake sitting

Inadequacy of raw materials The cause of cake sitting Is. If the ratio of flour to cake batter is low, the batter will be diluted and cause the cake to puff up in the oven; But as soon as you take it out of the oven, you will see the fluff settle.

7. Sudden change in cake temperature

After turning off the oven, keep the cake in the oven for a few minutes so that its temperature gradually decreases.

If you are cooking a cake in a pot, it is better to give it 10 minutes and then remove the lid of the pot. Instant cooling of the cake The reason why puff cake sleeps Is.

8. Using a lot of yeast

If your recipe calls for yeast, don’t overdo it. Using too much yeast such as baking soda or baking powder can cause the cake to rise too quickly; Before the center of the cake is baked. The gas from the yeast material accumulates in the center of the cake and after leaving the oven, it causes the center to sink.

Some tips to discover the cause of puff cake sleeping and prevent it

A few tips to find out why puff cake is sleeping

  • Baking cake requires patience. From mixing the ingredients to the complete cooking time, you should not rush.
  • Never use the ingredients used for puff cakes, such as baking soda, leavening and baking powder, interchangeably.
  • For a better puff cake, sift the dry ingredients three times before doing anything. After adding the dry ingredients to the batter, stir it in one direction.
  • Before baking the cake, you need to preheat the oven to puff it up.
  • Leave the egg out of the refrigerator until it reaches room temperature before baking the cake.

Have you had the bitter experience of puff cake sitting? If another point about The reason why puff cake sleeps You know it’s useful to retell it for snap market users, share it with us.

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