
stuffed penguin recipe – How to prepare a stuffed penguin?

Are you really looking for a stuffed penguin recipe ?! How do you like to eat penguins? This is cruel. Penguins are also beautiful and walk very nicely. Their number is also small. Even if you want to eat them, where do you want to find penguins to eat ?! It is better to eat chicken instead. Because we have eaten enough of these animals, it has become normal for us. Then join Orshid to teach you how to prepare stuffed chicken. We want to teach you a delicious homemade recipe.

Well, instead of stuffed penguin recipe, we will teach you how to prepare stuffed chicken.

Stuffed Chicken

Stuffed chicken is usually prepared in two general ways: in the oven and in the pot. It has been seen that some people ask about cooking shamper chicken in the tester. It is interesting to know that the ancients used small ovens which they called toasters. In this case, the stuffed chicken can be prepared in the same way as it is prepared in the oven. In the following, we will introduce you to how to prepare stuffed chicken in both ways. Ingredients and how to prepare chicken are the same in both methods.

Stuffed Chicken
Stuffed Chicken

Ingredients stuffed chicken

  • 1 medium chicken
  • 2 medium onions
  • Butter 50 grams
  • Garlic 4 cloves
  • 2 carrots
  • Parsley 25 grams
  • 25 grams of coriander
  • Mint and mint 25 grams
  • 2 potatoes
  • Pomegranate paste 2 tbsp
  • Barberry 1 tbsp
  • Brewed saffron 1 tbsp
  • Tomato paste 1 tbsp
  • Chopped walnut kernels 4 tbsp
  • Enough salt, black pepper and turmeric

How to prepare stuffed chicken

To prepare stuffed chicken, first clean the vegetables, wash and drain. Finely chop on a kitchen board. Pour into a plate. Then turn on the oven. Set it at 180 degrees Celsius to heat. Then peel the onion.

And drain and chop on a gem. Then I peel the garlic. We wash it and chop it finely. Pour a little oil in a pan. Reduce heat to low. Then pour the onion in the pan and fry until soft.

Then add garlic and fry. After the garlic and onion are golden, add a little spice. Then add chopped vegetables and fry. We wait for their water to evaporate. Then fry the vegetables well.

Then add the barberry. We fry all the ingredients. Chop the walnuts with a knife and add. We also add brewed saffron. We mix all the ingredients together. Finally, add tomato paste and pomegranate paste to the ingredients

Roast it to eliminate the raw smell. Turn all the ingredients upside down until the paste is completely dispersed and then remove the pan from the heat and set it aside. Then we peel and wash the potatoes and chop them.

Peel the carrots with a peeler. Crush and set aside whatever model you like. Then we clean the chicken. Pour the ingredients into the pan into the chicken belly. Sew the chicken belly at short intervals with a clean thread and needle.

Put the butter in a small pan. Turn down the heat to melt the butter. Then we put a kitchen brush in the butter. Dip the chicken completely in butter. Put the carrots and chopped potatoes in a tray.

Put the chicken on them to fill under the chicken. Allow the chicken to be fully cooked and fried in the oven for 90 to 120 minutes. Once the chicken is ready, take it out of the oven. Take out the threads inside the chicken belly and serve with ketchup sauce.

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