
What are the best properties of hazelnut for health and beauty?

Properties of hazelnuts Too much for health that scrolls can be written in the description. Hazelnuts are a very tasty and popular nut that due to its numerous health benefits, it is better to include half a handful of it in our diet daily. To get acquainted with Properties of hazelnuts And The health benefits of hazelnuts, Stay with us until the end of this article.

What is Hazelnut?

Hazelnut is a popular and very tasty nut that is obtained from the hazelnut tree (Kurilus). This tree is mostly grown in Turkey, Italy, Spain and the United States. Hazelnuts have a very delicious taste and can be eaten raw or roasted.

Like other nuts, hazelnuts are rich in nutrients and because of their high content of beneficial fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals, they bring many benefits to the body. Read more about Benefits of hazelnuts for health and beauty We will talk more.

The nutritional value of hazelnuts

Although hazelnuts are a high-calorie nut, they are rich in nutrients and healthy fats and have a very high nutritional value. Benefits of hazelnuts for health and beauty Because of this high nutritional value. The nutritional value of hazelnuts for every 30 grams or 20 pieces is equal to:

  • Calories: 176
  • Total fat: 17 grams
  • Protein: 4.2 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 4.7 grams
  • Fiber: 2.7 grams
  • Vitamin E: 21% of daily requirement
  • Thiamine: 12% of daily requirement
  • Magnesium: 12% of daily requirement
  • Copper: 24% of daily requirement
  • Manganese: 87% of daily requirement

Hazelnuts also contain large amounts of vitamin B6, folate, phosphorus, potassium and zinc. In addition, hazelnuts are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. Along with these many benefits, one of the few Hazards of hazelnuts for health Hazelnuts contain phytic acid, which interferes with the absorption of certain substances such as iron and zinc from nuts. In the following sections, detailed to Properties of hazelnuts And Benefits of hazelnuts for health and beauty we will pay.

Properties of hazelnuts for health

Hazelnuts are a very nutritious and delicious snack and a great addition to many foods. If you use it in a balanced and controlled daily manner, from Properties of hazelnuts You will benefit for your health. Benefits of hazelnuts for health and beauty It’s a lot. Including the most important Properties of hazelnuts For health, the following can be mentioned:

1. Health properties of hazelnuts: improve digestion and bowel movements

Each 20 hazelnuts contains 2.7 fibers; This is essential for regular bowel movements and to prevent constipation. Consumption of hazelnuts helps to improve intestinal function and relieve constipation.

2. Health benefits of hazelnuts: Improving heart health

Hazelnuts are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3s are good for heart health and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. In addition to omega-3, hazelnuts contain antioxidants that protect the body against oxidative stress (oxidative stress leads to high blood pressure). Hazelnuts also contain high levels of phenolic compounds that increase your heart health by lowering cholesterol and inflammation.

3. Health benefits of hazelnuts: reduce the risk of cancer

Oxidative stress increases the risk of certain types of cancer. Hazelnuts contain an enzyme that helps reduce oxidative stress in the body and thus reduce the risk of cancer. Hazelnuts also contain vitamin E, which is effective in protecting cells from a variety of cellular damage that may lead to cancer. In addition, hazelnuts are an excellent source of proanthocyanidins; A compound that helps reduce the risk of cancer.

4. Health properties of hazelnuts: lowering cholesterol

Studies have shown that daily consumption of hazelnuts lowers cholesterol and, consequently, reduces the risk of heart problems.

5. Health benefits of hazelnuts: Improve diabetes

Eating hazelnuts helps improve insulin sensitivity. Due to the fact that reducing insulin sensitivity is effective in causing type 2 diabetes, this property of hazelnut reduces the risk of diabetes.

6. Health properties of hazelnuts: reduce inflammation

From another Benefits of hazelnuts for health and beauty, Can be noted to reduce inflammation in the body. Although studies have shown that eating hazelnuts daily reduces the symptoms of inflammation in the body, but further studies to prove Properties of hazelnuts It is necessary to reduce inflammation.

Properties of hazelnuts for obesity

Properties of hazelnuts for obesity

Hazelnuts are very high in calories; Each 100 grams contains 628 calories. Each hazelnut has about 10 calories and it is better to limit your daily consumption to 10. Hazelnuts are good for weight loss, but you should not overdo it.

The most important The health benefits of hazelnuts, Reduce the risk of heart disease and inflammation. Hazelnuts also have compounds that have strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity. Eating foods rich in antioxidants such as hazelnuts is essential for neutralizing free radicals; Because if the body has a low antioxidant capacity, high levels of free radicals cause oxidative stress.

Oxidative stress increases the risk of cardiovascular problems, metabolic disorders, high blood pressure, chronic heart disease and a variety of cancers. Obese people are more at risk for oxidative stress, so eating hazelnuts can reduce the risk of oxidative stress.

Properties of hazelnuts for men

From ancient times the nuts have been considered as a food for men, because it was believed that these foods increase the strength of the male arm! However, in addition to energizing, hazelnuts have other health benefits for men.

Hazelnuts contain a compound called phytosterol, which in addition to helping lower cholesterol, acts as a preventative agent for prostate adenoma – a common male disease. In addition, the consumption of hazelnuts increases the production of male hormones in the male body.

Preventing prostate cancer is another benefit of hazelnuts for men. Also, the compounds in hazelnuts increase sperm quality and viability. Adding hazelnuts to the diet protects men from constant stress, nervous tension and related headaches.

Benefits of hazelnuts for health and beauty

The health benefits of hazelnuts

In addition to health, hazelnuts have numerous benefits for the skin. Hazelnuts contain powerful antioxidants that can slow down the aging process of your skin. In addition, hazelnuts are effective in preventing wrinkles on the skin. If you want to enjoy the health and beauty benefits of hazelnuts on your skin, do not forget to use hazelnuts or its oil. Continue to introduce Properties of hazelnut for facial skin we will pay:

1. Hydration of the skin

Because hazelnuts are a good source of vitamin E and vitamin C, they help keep your skin hydrated and hydrated. Every day before going to bed, you can massage your face and limbs with hazelnut oil. This will make your skin soft, supple and shiny.

2. Relieve sunburn

Hazelnut oil is known as a natural sunscreen and protects your skin from the harmful effects of the sun’s UV rays. So to protect your skin from the sun, massage your skin every day with a few drops of sesame, avocado, walnut and hazelnut oil. Hazelnut oil is very useful for dry and sensitive skin and protects your skin from tanning and sunburn.

3. Treat acne

Hazelnuts help you get rid of acne. Using hazelnuts, you can make an excellent and effective scrub for acne-prone skin. Just chop 1 tablespoon of roasted hazelnuts and mix with half a teaspoon of coffee powder and half a teaspoon of sugar and coconut oil or olive oil. Then apply this mixture on your skin to treat acne.

4. Having clear and radiant skin

By adding hazelnut oil to your daily skin care routine, you can have radiant and fresh skin. In addition, facial massage with this oil cleanses your skin and increases blood circulation in your skin. Also, as the oil penetrates the skin, your face will have a soft and delicate texture.

Hazards of hazelnuts for health

In the previous sections about Properties of hazelnuts We talked and saw that Benefits of hazelnuts for health and beauty It is innumerable. Hazards of hazelnuts for health It is not very noticeable, unless you have a particular allergy to it or you consume too much of it.

Although hazelnuts are safe for most people, people who are allergic to nuts such as walnuts and peanuts may also be allergic to hazelnuts. In addition, hazelnuts, like other nuts, are high in calories, and consuming too much of them may cause you to gain weight.

How to add hazelnuts to your diet?

Properties of hazelnuts It is so much and its taste is so delicious that everyone is tempted to consume it daily. In addition to eating hazelnuts as a snack, you can use it to prepare a variety of foods. You can also eat it raw, toasted and buttered.

Although hazelnut peel has many benefits, in many diet recipes you have to use skinless hazelnut. To do this, just heat the hazelnuts in the oven for 10 minutes to peel them easily.

Peeled hazelnuts can be used to make flour or hazelnut butter, which is a very nutritious and delicious food. In addition, you can flavor the hazelnuts with chocolate or cinnamon to have a very sweet or spicy snack. In addition, hazelnuts are a great choice for decorating cakes, ice cream and desserts.

Concluding remarks

Hazelnut is a popular and very tasty nut that has numerous properties for the body. In this article with you about Properties of hazelnuts We talked about body health. We also talked about the health benefits of hazelnuts. How much do you like hazelnuts? Have you ever seen its properties? How do you use these nuts in your diet?

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